Author has written 121 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, X-overs, Disney, Cats, Gundam Wing/AC, Angel, Misc. Plays/Musicals, Buffy X-overs, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Parodies and Spoofs, Stargate: SG-1, A Knight's Tale, Book X-overs, Movie X-overs, Pirates of the Caribbean, Troy, Discworld, Star Wars, Stargate: Atlantis, House, M.D., Rurouni Kenshin, Van Helsing, Phantom of the Opera, Doctor Who, Avatar: Last Airbender, Castle, Mulan, Once Upon a Time, and Aladdin. Name: Fyre Location: UK Present situation: Have changed jobs from one with lots of free computer time to one with a much stricter computer use mandate, which means less playing around on t'internetz. Also, much more physically and mentally exhausting. Not good on the old creativity. Fic-related situation: For the most part, all current WIPs are suspended indefinitely. This is down to the simple fact that I don't feel I can write them anymore, because my writing style has changed rather epically. Plus, I have learned the importance of characterisation, which is something I really was shaky on in a lot of these stories. However, in new and shiny-obsessing news, I am addicted to Once Upon a Time. Lethally so. Which is why I'm suddenly actively ficcing again. I may be a Rumbeller. This is the first time I have ever shipped in my life, so yes. I'm enjoying this new lease of fandom life. Current writing situation: Working on three original novels. One is in first draft editing stages, one is in 3rd draft plot-editing stages and number three is in a dozen pieces, trying to find a format. Who knows? One day I may even get one of the published :) |
Collie (29) | Jinni (15) Siah (3) | Silvercobwebs (7) |