![]() Author has written 12 stories for Samurai Jack, Borderlands, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, One Piece, Anime X-overs, Yu-Gi-Oh, Kimetsu no Yaiba/鬼滅の刃, Chainsaw Man/チェンソーマン, Little Witch Academia/リトル ウィッチ アカデミア, Arrow, Steven Universe, RWBY, Cartoon X-overs, Gravity Falls, and Owl House. Hey. So, it’s been a while since my last announcement. For those of you who might not be aware, I lost my best friend in a car accident, which still hurts to admit so damn much, so I had to take a break from writing and a lot of things really because of her death. And I’m sure since then, most of you have been wondering what’s been happening to me, and if my stories are or aren’t cancelled. I won’t lie, these last few months have been some of the hardest of my life. It’s been pretty dark, I’ve been struggling with my job and keeping it, have been unable to find a therapist that takes my insurance, and that’s while still taking care of my family and paying our medical bills. In general, it’s been hard just getting out of bed and not thinking about how awful things are in my life. There have been moments, though, that do give me the strength to keep going. My family being the biggest one, and aside from them, I’ve reading some of my favorite series (Little Witch Academia, JoJo, Zatch Bell, Chainsaw Man and more) only one other honestly given me any happiness since then. You guys. When I first announced this, I won’t lie, I expected to receive some backlash. And I did, but I received so, so many well-wishes and heartfelt messages from so many of you guys, I completely forgot about the insults and death threats, and felt so, so grateful. When I reached out to some of you, from old online friends, to even new people who I’ve never talked with before, you helped me so much during those first few days, and for doing that, for being there when I needed it most, that meant the world to me. So thank you. With all that said, that still leaves the big question: are my stories cancelled? Short answer? No, but they are on a hiatus. For how long, I can’t say. Right now, it’s still to painful to write for them. Sam, my best friend (though not her actual name), was always willing to give my stories a read and even gave her own feedback as best she could even when she wasn’t that big of a reader or writer. And even though she wasn’t there from the beginning, and I did write well-over a majority of my chapters for all my stories long before I met her, it…it feels wrong to keep writing them without her here to read them now. I hope that changes, because there is a part of me that does want to continue them, and I even has some drafts for the next chapters, but for now, I can’t see myself writing for any of my current fics. But, I do want to keep writing stories for you guys. Writing is one of the few things that still bring me joy, so, while writing for my old ones isn’t something I’m up to right now, I can say that I will try to write new stories. Hopefully, those will fill the gap until I can return to my old ones. It might be a while before I start posting any new stuff, but know when I do, I will be doing literally do everything I can to make sure they are consistently updated, so when I do start posting, there should be no long wait times from chapter to chapter. So, with all that said, thank you all for being so understanding and supportive (most of you, anyway). And for anyone else struggling to keep on going when life just keeps hitting you while you’re down, don’t forget: you matter. No one, not even yourself, can tell you otherwise. Happy New Year, my wonderful readers. Hopefully, you’ll seen me again soon. |