Author has written 28 stories for Nightwing, and Batman. Hi everyone It's 2021 and Covid has sent me back to the keyboard. :) I fell in love with Dick Grayson as a three-year-old watching the old 60's TV series. Comics came next and the Perez and Wolfman run on the "Teen Titans" is still the best in comic book history, in my humble opinion. However, interestingly enough, my writing started in the Magnificent Seven fandom, though none of my Mag 7 stories are posted on In the middle of 2003, I received a really vicious e-mail about one of my M7 stories. The person not only attacked my story, they attacked me personally. I found it difficult to write after that. The troll's words badly damaged my confidence and stole my love of writing. So, I walked away. After some soul-searching, I decided to try something new and returned to my first love, Dick Grayson. In 2004 I wrote a handful of stories, a few more in 2006, and again in 2011. Ten years later, to deal with stress, I've started writing again to lose myself in a world where good triumphs over evil. I like to see Dick Grayson written as strong and confident, but with an air of vulnerability. He is the 'light' in the Bat Universe. At the moment, I am drawn to the relationship between the four boys who have worn the Robin costume and so have started my own series entitled, "Sons of the Bat." The reading order for this series is different to the writing order. I started plotting “His Boys” first, but as I developed the story, ideas assaulted me for what happened before and likely after and so, “His Boys” is far from the first in the series. I have planned out 11 stories in this series so far and will soon be posting the first one, "A Momentary Lapse of Judgement." I want to take the opportunity to thank my past betas Jean (2004), Em (2006) and Beth (2011) for all of their work. I am so much in your debt, girls. Second, a huge 'thank you' the wonderful people who take the time to leave comments. Your words of support and encouragement mean a great deal to me. Thank you. I used to have a couple of websites focused on Dick Grayson and the Magnificent Seven, but they have been gone for many years. With my interest rekindled, I have resurrected then. This site does not allow me to insert the address here so I have broken it up. Hopefully you can decipher it. w w w dot aussie-lass dot com Please let me know if you are able to get there. :) Take care Aussie |