![]() Author has written 15 stories for Danny Phantom. EDIT October 2023: Hi, all! I am planning to continue updating fics on FFN, if they already exist here, while also reposting them on AO3. Please search AO3 to find my fics (thelightningstreak). You can also find me on tumblr (@thelightningstreak). EDIT September 20, 2022: Hi, everyone! This site has been continuing to break on me for months, but it's not been updating at all since September 13. I am working to shift my fics onto AO3 as a secondary host spot, beginning with Chained and Deliverance. Please search AO3 to find my fics. You can also find me on tumblr (@thelightningstreak). Hello! I've been on this site since 2004 and have had a lot of fun growing up and learning with other writers. On this account, I primarily write for Danny Phantom, but I enjoy several other shows. I am delighted to present fanart of my stories from other people! Please take a look to support them! I would use direct links, but it appears that Fanfiction does not allow links to external sites. Be sure to remove the "(dot)" language to view the content! From Lady Audentium:
From Xepher06:
From NeoRetro10K:
From ectoheart:
My disclaimer for any fanfiction material I post: These stories do not, in any way, contain copyright/trademark infringement or copyright dilution. Danny Phantom is copyrighted to its creator, Butch Hartman. This author does not claim any rights over any characters, concepts, ideas, phrases, or words associated with Danny Phantom. As such, these stories do not carry out an act that constitutes a violation of copyright law. They are not dedicated to the theft of any US intellectual property, nor are they an avenue to provide, or intend to provide, any economic incentive, commercial interest, and/or payout on the part of the author. All rights for Danny Phantom remain with the original content creator. Fan fiction is not an illegal act of copying or misappropriation, with or without consent from the content creator (with consideration that Butch Hartman has also not declared a cease-and-desist), for the action is protected under “FAIR USE,” as fan fiction serves as a transformative work and a nonprofit educational experience on the part of the author in order to teach and learn better writing skills, which thereby negates any possibility of this story being considered a ‘derivative’ work that violates copyright law. Fan fiction acts as a platform to also comment on or criticize the original concept. Also, Fan fiction serves to promote the original concept created by the content creator by enhancing the legal market demand for said source material (free publicity!) without causing intentional/unintentional consumer confusion or violation of copyright laws. The only part of these stories I claim as my own is the unique syntax and diction of my personal voice, which cannot naturally be copied by any other individual, including even the content creator, and certain aspects/movements of plot, which could easily transition to an original, previously un-copyrighted storyline unique to my own mind. |