![]() Author has written 57 stories for Tanz der Vampire, Get Backers, Inuyasha, Tales of the Abyss, Valkyrie Profile, Yu-Gi-Oh, Ghost Hunt, Neverwinter Nights, X-overs, Final Fantasy VII, Doctor Who, True Blood, Hakuōki/薄桜鬼, Bleach, Once Upon a Time, Vampire Diaries, Misc. Games, Thor, Lunar: Silver Star, Diabolik Lovers/ディアボリックラヴァーズ, Dishonored, Fate/stay night, Gotham, Resident Evil, Kuroshitsuji, and Crimson Peak. This profile is rated R for possible language from time to time. Updated: March 22, 2018 -Aura Much faster update than my last. I have been busy this year (and much of last) though I still plan to fanfic write when my time and muse both allow. I have put up a demo of a Virtual Novel I've been working on when I can get the time. It's at as well on the lemma soft forums. My username for both is Suru (Aura is hard to come by these days). The name of my game is: Secrets of Avalon. Any support I could get in that arena I would greatly appreciate. I am also considering creating a Pateron but I've not done so previously so I'm currently still not sure what I would put up. Apparently people tend to expect videos and I don't have a webcam so that will be a process all it's own. I shall still try to update when I can as fanfiction remains one of my many interests : ). I am hoping this or next year to reach 2 million words on . That would be something! |