![]() Author has written 40 stories for Ninja Turtles, Transformers/Beast Wars, and DuckTales. 14 July 2015 I just want to say I'm tired of getting personal messages from 'guests' complaining about the layout of my fics, that "they're out of character," "awkward," "hard to get into" and so on. I'm not sure if they are all from one and the same person, but I don't really care. I've "met" a lot of nice people on FanFiction, and appreciated their contacting me, but I've had enough. I'm not here to pitch a New York Times bestseller. I'm here because I enjoy writing fanfiction, and I WRITE TO PLEASE MYSELF, not pander to people. I can hear you say, Then, PA, why do you share them on Fanfiction? Good question. My answer is, Why not? People who seem to LIKE my pieces FAR outnumber those who don't, and I'll be honest, I love getting good reviews. I have precious little to make me happy, but when I read that someone has liked a story I've slaved over, or gotten a laugh (or a tear) out of it, I feel fantastic. I'm not going to give that up for one (or more?) picky condescending troll/s who don't even have the decency to log in. As I've said, it is extremely hard, especially as I sadly don't possess ESP, to know what other fans consider to be "in character." To ME, in MY mind, I try to have the characters speak and act like I imagine they would in their world (if that makes sense) That's what fanfiction is for, TO ME, to fill in the gaps once the credits have rolled, or fill out an established-but-skeletal-concept, or JUST TO HAVE FUN WITH YOUR FAVOURITE CHARACTERS. If you'll notice, I haven't uploaded anything since 2007. I don't like to get into personal issues, but this time I will. I have been full-time carer for my grandmother since 2003. Writing was my escape, the one thing I could do while being there for her. I was with her day and night, seven days a week. In that time I went literally nowhere except to buy groceries or take Nan to the doctor. I re-discovered Transformers in 2004 and writing TFs fanfics was my joy, my one fun thing. My dear Nan passed away late in May this year, and for the last year before that she suffered terribly. I suffered watching her suffer. She was always telling me to "Write! Write!" Hard to concentrate when someone you love is dying, but I did try to when I had five or ten minutes, or when Nan was able to sleep. Anyway, my point is, I don't need to be hassled about my writing just now. I have several TFs fics in the works, and for those moaning about my paragraphing etc, I earned a Diploma of Professional Editing, Publishing and Proofreading in 2012, so maybe the next one I publish, if I ever put anything up on here again, will meet with their standards. If it's "out of character," well, stiff bickies. Find something else to read. Cheers. PS: For those who have sent me friendly or polite suggestions or reviews, none of the above is meant for you. You know who you are, and I truly, truly appreciate it :) G'day! Thank for taking the tme to read my profile . I'm Australian, I was born 1980 and I adore Transformers (G1. Don't even get me started on those...those things by Michael Bay) I rarely come to Fanfiction, I never, ever read other fics and I don't belong to any forums, but I am always writing TFs fics :) I write to please myself and only myself, but getting reviews on anything I write I sincerely appreciate! I don't really appreciate picky reviews, but I do realise not everyone will like everything I write. Basically my view is, if you don't like it, don't read it ;) And before you review, maybe take note of the date it was written and take into consideration that what I'm working on now will undoubtedly be a better read lol I often get private messages asking questions like the ones below, so I thought I'd answer them here :) I am sincerely flattered whenever I get asked these! Q: Can I translate your (fanfic title) into another language and post it on (forum title)? A: Yes! Just please credit me as the author. Q: Can I put your (fanfic title) in my Ebook? A: Yes! Just please credit me as the author. Q: Can I use this idea/concept/whatever from your (fanfic title)? A: Yes! Just please note somewhere that the original idea/concept/whatever was by me, Purple Aussie. Q: Will you rewrite (fanfic title)? A: No, probably not. I am (cringingly) aware that most of my earlier pieces badly need corrections, but I won't do it. Why? Because by leaving my terrible grammar, run-on sentences, horrible punctuation etc alone I can see that I have improved a bit :) Also I don't have time O_o Q: Do you want to join (forum title)? A: Thank you for the invite! But no, thank you. I don't like forums, and I don't like discussing my fic ideas wth anyone besides my vintage Koosh ball... Q: Why don't you read other fics? A: Long story, see below. I refuse to be accused of plagiarism ever again (that happens to be the dirtiest, most offence word you could ever say to me) so if I have no idea what other peple have written, it's unlikely I will ever write anything even vaguely similar. I will swear up to and on my deathbed that I did not, have not, and will not ever, use another person's ideas without their express permission, and if I did, they would be clearly and succinctly credited. Thanks for reading, and I hope you find something among my fics that you like . UPDATE: (5 October 2006) I HAVE JUST BEEN SENT AN EMAIL BY ANOTHER FF MEMBER, CLAIMING THAT ONE OF MY TRANSFORMERS FICS, ONE THAT HAS BEEN HERE FOR OVER A YEAR NOW, IS TOO SIMILAR TO HIS/HERS. I WANT TO POINT OUT HERE AND NOW, IF THE ABOVE ISN'T CLEAR ENOUGH, I DO NOT READ ANYONE ELSE'S STORIES. I DON'T HAVE THE TIME, I USUALLY DON'T LIKE OTHER PEOPLE'S CHARACTERISATIONS, AND MOST OF ALL, ANYONE WHO HAS REVIEWED ANY OF MY FICS WOULD PROBABLY AGREE THAT I DO NOT NEED TO STEAL ANYONE ELSE'S IDEAS. I AM UPSET AND HURT BY THIS CLAIM. I WRITE PURELY FOR MY OWN ENJOYMENT, AND IF OTHER PEOPLE LIKE MY PIECES TOO, THAT IS A BONUS FOR ME. I HAVE NOT, WILL NOT, AND NEVER WILL, USE ANOTHER PERSON'S IDEAS, SETTINGS, PLOT ETC. IN ALL THE REVIEWS I'VE RECEIVED, NO ONE HAS EVER COMMENTED THAT MY FIC IS SIMILAR TO ANOTHER PERSON'S. I DON'T BELONG TO ANY FORUM (AND AM NOT ACTIVE IN THE TWO I JOINED PREVIOUSLY PURELY TO FOLLOW UP AN ONLINE COMIC BOOK ORDER) OR ONLINE 'COMMUNITY' AND I DO NOT DISCUSS TRANSFORMERS WITH ANYONE EXCEPT MY FRIEND "CLIFFJUMPER" I SPEND LITERALLY HOURS AND HOURS A WEEK WORKING ON MY FICS, AND I HAVE NEVER EVER KNOWINGLY AND WILFULLY USED ANOTHER PERSON'S IDEA/S. I'M EXTREMELY HURT BY THE ACCUSATION. I HAVE BEEN ON FOR OVER TWO YEARS NOW AND HAVE NEVER GIVEN OR HAD A SINGLE PROBLEM. IF I AM ACCUSED OF PLAGIARISM AGAIN, I WILL PULL EVERY ONE OF MY FICS AND NEVER POST HERE AGAIN. TO MY REVIEWERS, I NEED YOUR SUPPORT NOW MORE THAN EVER. I WILL SAY AGAIN: I DO NOT, DO NOT READ ANYONE ELSE'S FICS APART FROM CLIFFJUMPER'S, HERE OR ANYWHERE ELSE ONLINE. 10 October: Another update. I have had several messages of support over the above accusations, which I sincerely and deeply appreciate. I now have absolutely NO intention of pulling ANY of my fics off this site. I don't want to sound conceited in any way, but it seems I have quite a few fans who enjoy my work. That's fantastic to me. So thanks to EVERYONE who reviews and big double scoop THANK YOUS to the members who sent private messages of support. You know who you are! I have had the courtesy to not publicly mention the member who accused me, or the fic he/she accused me of stealing his/her "idea and settings" from for mine, but mine has been posted here for nearly 18 months now without any other problems. If I am ever inspired by another person's fic, (Not likely because I will say again: I DON'T READ OTHER PEOPLE'S FICS) I would have the decency to publicly acknowledge it, plus I would contact the author and inform him/her before tearing off and clattering it down. I also hope no one thinks of me as rude for not reading other fanfics, especially those of the authors who kindly read and review my own, but I'm honest: I just don't usually like them. I'm sorry for that, but it mainly applies to Transformers fics. I used to be right into TMNT, and I read and reviewed quite a few fanfics of that genre. It's different for me concerning TFs. These characters can be viewed so differently by people, and that's the way they'll write them in their fics. My views and opinions are different, so I won't like the way someone else has written the character. I hope I'm making at least some kind of sense here! Anyway that's how I feel and I hope I'm not coming across as a horrible person. I'm really not. Really. Just one more thing: My short summaries. I have trouble with titles and summaries. I don't like to give the story away in a summary, so most of the time they come out the short way you see under my fics. I know, Earth-shattering news, but I'm determined not to have any secrets here. I love writing. Love it. If I'm not writing, I'm thinking about my fic plots, no matter what I'm doing. And I really do pay attention to reviews. Anyone who has read my first fics on here and my latest will see how I've improved. That's 85% to do with suggestions and tips I've received in reviews. I agonize over every sentence (that's why it takes me so long between posts too) and I love doing it. Ok, enough from the Purple Aussie! If you made it this far, thanks for reading. UPDATED UPDATED UPDATE (In case anyone is interested) Chameleon has received over 33,000 hits and I couldn't be happier or more thrilled about it!! |