Author has written 12 stories for Rurouni Kenshin, and Teen Titans. I'm a young businesswoman who thinks that sometimes, work just gets in the way of a juicy fanfic. I'd like to think I'm quirky, but I think I just come across as weird most of the time. Inuyasha fic location: Slayer I'll be inviting some of ya'll and your stories soon for my website, so don't be surprised if you find my request in your inbox! Latest Update: On the matter of "Two Weddings..." - I have received many emails and reviews requesting me to continue this fic. I have been asked nicely and sometimes not-so-nicely. I suppose I'm willing to take these jabs. I have, after all, been remiss in my obligation to finish this fic. Unfortunately, I cannot be forced into finishing a fic that way. I have written in reply to many polite readers about the fate of this fic, and I will tell you what I told them: The future of this fic is largely uncertain. There were circumstances surrounding this fic that has made finishing it difficult, and while I refuse to say that I am completely abandoning it, I cannot make promises as to when I will actually get down to coming to terms with its story. The reasons are too personal, and perhaps I have unjustly dragged my readership into my pathetic little dramas; for that I am very sorry. A lot of times, I have considered taking it down completely, until I am ready to revive it, but I am not sure whether readers will see it as being-well, mean. I do not want to be mean or impolite or whatever; it is just that I often feel I do not want to keep subjecting readers to a fic that I know not when I will update again. I suppose the main reason of this bios-update is to tell readers that IF I do decide to remove "Two Weddings" until I decide to take it up again, I mean no disrespect. I merely want to prevent leading anyone else on. It makes me feel terrible. I am also sorry if I write other fics in other genres while I continue to leave "Two Weddings" unfinished. All I could say is, until I started writing all these other fics, I couldn't write a blessed thing. To find my groove again in other genres (where once I happened to lose it while writing in RK) is something I am very happy about. I'mjust glad I'm writing again. That's really all I have to say for now. Here are links to my "Path to Tamaran" Thanks: Chapter 12 , |