Author has written 27 stories for Evangelion, Gamera, Godzilla, Worldwar series, Superman, X-overs, Transformers/Beast Wars, Samurai Jack, Book X-overs, Aliens/Predator, Star Wars, Batman, Marvel, StarTrek: Deep Space Nine, Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人, Worm, Mass Effect, Steven Universe, Warhammer, and Halo. So... Like plenty of other members of this site, I write fanfiction. My stories mainly concern science fiction and fantasy, as those two genres form the vast bulk of my reading material. And, quite frankly, that's all you really need to know about me; most of you would skip a lengthy biography, anyway. My completed stories are The Last Daughter, Hail to the King, CRISIS, Not What I Was Expecting, and The Girl of Tomorrow,including a few crappy oneshots. Leviathan, Rolling Out, Worldfall, and Roses and Ladybugs are my current big projects. Until then, Thuktun Flishithy. |