Author has written 2 stories for Naruto, and Steven Universe. just a man who loves reading as words give way to meaning words of wisdom -it is not how we are made that defines us but what we do with our life that defines us. -the worst things are done with the best intentions -in a world where income, money and buissness matter more then home, humanity, equality and the enviroment itself, is a world without morals, meaning, reason and ultimetly doomed to end. so i say its time we change not for ourselfs but for every thing and everyone, this world is truly equal but its the actions of the past, present and future that has and will continue to change that. we are all civalised beings. and in the end nothing that makes us any diffrent will matter. for without the things that make us "diffrent" we are all just peaple who are no diffrent at all. becouse what makes us who we are is nothing we are born into or given its the desicions we make that defines us. the times that are coming are going to have major impacts. industry is damaging our planet. raceism, sexsisim, and hatred against those who have diffrent religions or just have disabilitys, are dividing us all. the coming time is where we will ether stand together and protect whats left or fall apart as the world we are givin takes us with it as ot dies. i know this as fact if we dont change our ways noting we do will matter. even if we left for an other planet. we would just be trading one bad situation to another. we have to change as a species. for one day it may be to late. to me everyone is equal untill you expresse the views that devide us. example is that of an idevidual being superior just couse of their race, creed, gender, religon, or species (if ever comes a time that contact is made though impossible now, remember that impossible today is normal some day in the future). im just saying that equality is not earnd its taken away not by another whos superior but by one who thinks their superior who makes themselfs less then everyone else. for its a fool who thinks that they are better becouse of somthing they had no hand in being. im trying to say that in the end what we are dosent matter, who we are dose. are you a compasionet indevidual or a nobody who hates others for being "diffrent". -our future is defined on by ourselfs. -to be equal is to be indiffrent to diffrence, to strive for a future where everyone can be anyone. -remember to realise their is always an ecception to all groups and stariotypes. meaning just couse a majority is comenly one way theres a minority uneque to the oposit degee. |