![]() Author has written 7 stories for Yu Yu Hakusho, and Harry Potter. Hello, I'm Wyvernwings, you can call me Wyve or Kat. I'm currently in my second year of college with an English Major, and I aspire to one day write young adult lit. I had/have (not sure anymore) some stories on fictionpress under the same penname, if you become interested. I'm just coming back to do some more fanfiction because, well frankly college can be stressful and I find them relaxing. Fanfiction is a wonderful and helped me become interested in writing. Disclaimer Hey once and for all I own none of this! Writing Oh dear, I haven't been on here in years. I'm starting a new story, Assuming, but please don't base it on my older works. I'm going over them now, trying to figure out what can be saved and what must be scrapped. Assuming: The only story I'm currently working on. Harry PotterXDraco Malfoy, rate of progression will depend on interest. Soul Searching: Finished! The epilogue will go up as a one shot and should be up shortly! Roses and Why I hate them: Hiatus. Haven't reread for editing or scraping. Tears: Finished, I still like this one. |