Ebi Ryu
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Joined 07-31-04, id: 643457
Author has written 1 story for Tales of Symphonia.
Hello the name's Lionel and welcome to my bio. ^_^

This is my first time having a penname but I love to read fanfiction, it's like a home away from home...Did that sound as corny as I think it did? _

Well, I might as well introduce you to my muses, I have two, Ehciroun (If you want to know how to pronounce her name just ask) and Ebos, Ehci' is a girl, and Ebos is a guy. FYI, I'm the only one aloud to call Ehciroun -Echi'- or else she'll beat you senselessly with the Hunk of Wood of Justice, or, HWJ.

Ehciroun: DARN RIGHT! *holds HWJ up threateningly*

Ebos: Okay Echi', darling! *winks*

Ehciroun: *whacks Ebos multiple times until he is unconcious* That's not funny.

^-^; I hope you like the fics I write, for any questions please consult the email address given, though if ANY of you have actually heard of the email company I have an account with I shall personally dedicate a chapter in any of my stories to you. Or maybe make you some cookies...

Ebos: *Regains conciousness* Just as long as Ehciroun doesn't cook 'em, we like are kitchen they way it is and NOT burnt to the ground.

Ehciroun: *Starts to beat Ebos again with HWJ*


Stories in progress:

Angel on my Doorstep
Seven years have passed since the world regeneration scenario when Kratos is unexpectedly found half dead on the doorstep of Raine and Genis' home. A new enemy has taken over Derris-Kharlan and hopes to unlock the true power of the Cruxis Crystal for we all know: with every weapon comes an upgrade.
Rating- PG, might go up.
Main Pairing- Echiroun: *Sigh* I think I got a little carried away here, but the main one is Kratos/Raine. ^_^
Chapters- See last two paragraphs.
Genre- Ebos: Action/Adventure/Drama/Romance and a dash of humor.

Yes well, I have a tragic story behind AOMD (Formally known as ‘Angel On My Doorstep’). You see, my old crappy computer had a mental breakdown when my sister decided that pop-ups are wonderful things that deserved to be clicked. The good thing: I got a new compy after weeks of uncontrollable begging, w00t! Bad thing: My third and almost completed fourth chapter of AOMD got deleted…. [breaks down crying.]

Ehciroun: Due to these unforeseen circumstances, AOMD is on hold but will be continued when the third chapter is done, not when the fourth is like originally planned. In fact, the rest of the chapters shall be down like this just like every other person on does for their stories.

Thank you all for being so patient and again we apologize for the whole not updating thing. If you will before you leave my bio, stop by Ebos and pick up customary chocolate gift basket brought to you by the managment with all due apologies.

Ebos: *Dressed up in an easter bunny costume and standing next to a table with lots of gift baskets* I hate you all...

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Midnight Visit by FireEdge reviews
DISCONTINUED. A romance story about Raine and a certain Seraphim. Flashback prone... Spoilers. First Kraine fic on site!
Tales of Symphonia - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 8 - Words: 25,569 - Reviews: 198 - Favs: 59 - Follows: 15 - Updated: 4/9/2005 - Published: 7/27/2004 - Raine S., Kratos A.
Parental Love by Cute But Psycho reviews
After the events with Dorr in Palmacosta, Lloyd and Kratos have a brief conversation. Novelization of a Z-skit.
Tales of Symphonia - Rated: K - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 680 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 12 - Follows: 2 - Published: 8/15/2004
Angel on my Doorstep reviews
Seven years have passed since the world regeneration scenario, when Kratos is unexpectedly found half dead on Raine' front doorstep. A new enemy has been found and has taken over Derris-Kharlan with hopes to unlock the true powers of the Cruxis Crystal.
Tales of Symphonia - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 2 - Words: 3,450 - Reviews: 50 - Favs: 27 - Follows: 7 - Updated: 8/10/2004 - Published: 8/7/2004