Poll: Which of the following Zelda games would you most like to see me novelize next? Vote Now!
Author has written 19 stories for Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy XIII, and Final Fantasy XIII-2. Hi friends! I'm Selphie. I've been on this site for many, many years, and some fics from my beginning days are long gone. Though I don't love some of the older fics that are still up as they don't reflect my current writing style/ability, I keep them up for you guys as I know they are special to many people. My current main focus is When Heroes Fall, and I have projects I prioritize to Patron, such as What Makes a Hero Remaster and The Hero's Companion. I also plan to eventually tackle more Legend of Zelda novelizations in the order of which they're most desired in the poll above. I am becoming less active on this site as time goes on, so it is important that you can find me elsewhere. The best way to stay up to date on what I am working on is Patron. Patrons get When Heroes Fall chapters early, Discord, and more, so make sure to check it out! If you want to help me continue writing, consider becoming a patron! I have also started doing freelance writing on Fiver. Facebook is the only link I've found to work on FFnet, so here is my writing FB page: From there you can find my other social media links (Patron, Twitch, Instagram, etc.), or you can go to my linktree for much easier access to my socials. Just type the following into your browser minus the extra spaces: l i n k t r . e e / SelphieKinneas I hope you enjoy the reading I have to offer down below! |
7he Goddess Din (1) Ashbear (10) QTrepe432 (12) | Shadsie (174) TennisWriter456 (24) Touch of Gray (42) |