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Joined 02-15-15, id: 6521784, Profile Updated: 09-09-15
Author has written 2 stories for Dragon Ball Z, and Pokémon.

For those who want to know about me, don't know why, here are some facts about me;

Gender; Male

Age; Old enough to be a member.

Race; 100% Mexican (And proud of it too)

Zodiac sign; Aries. Explains a lot about myself considering my real personality

Birthday; 04-01-xxxx. Hard to believe everyone on this day considering the history that goes with it.

Favorite T.V show; Ed, Edd, n Eddy. I LOVED this show back in the day. I remember just hearing that is was going to air would bring my already high mood for the day. Danny Antonoucci is a really great man for even creating the show. I was very surprised that he made it on a dare but I'm not complaining.

Least Favorite T.V show; Not many that I could say but only shows that lost their touch and try too hard or just shows that were created just for the fact to make it stupid. I'm talking about you 'Teen Titans Go'.

FF dislikes; Authors who waste their talent poorly writing a story that has the potential to be one of the greats. This one probably will get some hates but I don't care this needs to be said; If you can come up with an idea that has never been used or even been thought of and then when you applied it and post it it turns out to be poorly written, major spelling and grammar mistakes, and plot holes the size of Krypton(Yes I'm also a Superman fan) the your not only wasting the amount of potential you as an author have, but you are also wasting everyone's time with them reading and trying to even figure out what you're even trying to tell them. We know that this starts in your mind but that's the point about writing in the first place. Nobody knows how your minds works but you so stop wording it in a way that only you know and if they ask questions about it, don't get offended and just answer it. It will make everyone's life easier and more people will like your story once you explain everything. There might be more but then this will turn into a rant so I'm going to stop there. Like everything else about the site though.

Upcoming Projects;

There is More To You After All (DBZ Fic); This Fic started my whole career as an author and I'm very proud to call this story my baby. It's basically what happens during the three year gap from the Frieza saga to Android saga, as well as Android to Majin Buu, and even Majin Buu to GT though I'm still working on it. This story like I said is what got me started and I'm happy with it. Oh it's a Bulma x Vegeta story in case anyone is wondering.

The True Master Arrives(Pokemon); Now this one I'm surprised on how popular it's gotten since I started it. Basically its your simple betrayal story with only few things, hopefully, making it different from the others. For starters no character is OP or too much of anything. What's the point of making Ash have his revenge if it comes too easy for him when he faces the traitors. Its more rewarding if he struggles with the traitors and when they thing they beat Ash he crushes their hopes and worth by defeating them and proving them wrong. Another thing that's different is that I'm going to tell you all what happens during the time Ash is gone and what he goes through as well as who he meets. Lots of betrayal stories just skip over this and have the reader wonder how he even managed to gain the skills he had, the Pokemon in his team, his 'new' attitudes when he comes back, and others and when they do they keep it vague. Another thing is that he is also raising a little girl who just lost everything and being the Father figure she needs in her life. Hope that this is unique since not many stories do this. Slight spoiler for the story these two are going to go through a LOT so prepare yourselves. There are more but I don't want to bore you or give too much away.

The Fate Of The World As We Know(Pokemon); This one will come out when the above is finished. It's basically a challenge given to me not too long ago by a user called 'God of the Challenge'. This challenge states that Delia(Ash's mom) is killed by a flock of Spearow and that baby Ash is raised by Pokemon and then goes through Kanto with you guessed it the original travel companions but with an extra person in the mix. Now I worked everything out with him and this story will take a while to be posted since I want to finish my other Pokemon story and if I start now I may end up forgetting about it. The name is a work in progress.

Also an Ed, Edd, n Eddy fic that I'm still getting all the kinks out of. Just know that the Eds and Kankers will be paired by the end of it.

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

The True Master Arrives (A Pokemon Fanfic) reviews
Set 2 yrs. after Kalos. After some of his friends have had enough of his failures and tell him to stop trying, Ash sets out to prove them all wrong. After taking all of his Pokemon he leaves and never returns. It has been 6 yrs.. But can the tournament of the gods change all of that. Will he come back and how will he fair with the others.Powerful/Smart/Aura/Harem/Ash. To name a few
Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 46 - Words: 215,659 - Reviews: 333 - Favs: 655 - Follows: 661 - Updated: 8/18/2019 - Published: 2/18/2015 - Ash K./Satoshi
There Is More To You After All reviews
After a major break up with Yamcha Bulma is feeling an all time low. After a while of doing nothing Vegeta had enough. Can this headstrong saiyan pull Bulma out of this state or will his efforts all be for nothing? Set during the three years and characters may seem OOC. This is my first Fic so be easy on me. I OWN NOTHING. T for cursing. New chapters posted often.(Max Three)
Dragon Ball Z - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 2 - Words: 6,341 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 2 - Updated: 2/19/2015 - Published: 2/17/2015 - Bulma, Yamcha, Vegeta