Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter. Greetings and Felicitations! Profile last updated - August 2012 (previously updated 2004) - I don't get around to this very much, do I? The account was created in 2004 and the 2012 update was to provide a link to the DLP C2 (still shown below) as well as to post some short fics of my own. Why am I typing this? I suppose I like to keep a record. For why I do not know. Ched's Recs - Go here if you'd like to sort through my personal list of highly recommended fics from a variety of fandoms! My 'favorites' list on ffnet does not contain many stories that I would call my favorites. It doesn't even contain that many stories that I would consider to be good. What it does contain is all the stories I've read on this website so I can keep track of them. If you want my recommendations use my C2. DLP 5-Starred and Featured Authors - Go here if you'd like a large treasure trove of quality Harry Potter fics to sort through! This C2 is kept up-to-date (mostly) with stories that garnered a 5/5 rating on DLP (or were winners of DLP's writing competitions). It has about 10x the number of stories that my personal C2 does (as of this update) and it branches out a bit more within the HP fandom. As for DLP itself, it's not even half as bad as most people make it out to be. Check us out sometime. What's up with me? I'm still writing. I've got a massive HP AU that I'm working on and may never finish, but if I ever start posting it that means I've managed to outline the damn thing at least! I've got a dozen or so HP short stories that I could post but doing so continues to slip my mind. I tend to get focused on my longer works and how they're not getting done and forget about the completed shorts. I've also realized over the years that outlining is important for me because I finish things that I outline properly and neglect stories that I don't. It just turns out that outlining a massive AU takes a lot more time and effort than it does for a one-shot. Everyone stay safe and healthy and make choices you won't regret - we're all walking different paths to the beats of different drums, but I bet each of us can agree that 'Hindsight' is indeed 2020 even if we have varied reasons why. |
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