Author has written 280 stories for Nightwing, Queer as Folk, Horatio Hornblower, Teen Titans, Black Stallion, Robin, and Twilight. I haven't updated this profile in a really long time--ten years maybe? Long time. Just a quick word of explanation regarding some of the (mostly) DC/Nightwing/Robin fics from, yeah, about a decade ago; some of them are pretty dark. I started writing fanfic when I was largely housebound while being my elderly and failing father's caregiver. Mind you, I was fine with that. He was my dad, I loved him, we were good friends and you do what you have to do but that's not an easy job, either physically nor emotionally. I was used to being out and about, making my living for a very long time (30 years, truth be told) in the arts. Being creative in my way for so long, I missed having an outlet yet had to be around for dad. So I started writing as an escape. Then as dad's situation spiraled down over time, as was inevitable, I found that I needed a place to put the anger, pain, frustration, fear and dread of the loss I knew was around the corner. I started putting all those feelings into some pretty violent, dark stories. It's what it was, and it was a better solution that any number of other things I could have done to cope. Some of those fics, in hindsight, are pretty grim but they served my purpose at the time. Now dad is in his well earned spot in Arlington National Cemetery; he was Captain of a tank company in WW2, Pacific theater. Three beach landings under enemy fire. Yes, I'm proud of him, a member of the Greatest Generation. This isn't an excuse or apology, just an explanation. And hey, they're not all deathfics or downers; quite a few--most, in fact-- were written with a lot of humor so take them for what they're worth--for better or worse. So enter if you wish. Update 6/2019 Fanfic--strange stuff, isn't it? I've been writing these stories for a few years now and I keep on coming up with new ideas; well, ideas new to me, anyway. The way I see it, fanfic is something of a shortcut way of writing-- think about it. You, as a writer, already have a lot of the work done for you; the basic characters and set up are already in place. The relationships between the major characters are established and often the ultimate outcome is known as well. Your job becomes to imagine new twists and turns for your guys and unique ways of dealing with getting from 'A' to 'B' while trying to avoid cliches. Basically it's a big game of 'what if'? And you, the readers, already know pretty much who you'll be dealing with and probably have an idea where the ride may take you--well, at least what world you'll be traveling through, anyway. See? It's a short cut for both sides. Sounds like a cakewalk, doesn't it? Go ahead--give it a try and I suspect you'll end up with as many stories I do that you look back at and cringe at the suckitude. So, what do I like to write? I tend towards more realistic story arcs. I like the interaction of the characters and what makes them tick. Realistic stuff--yeah, yeah, I know; we're talking about Batman and Robin and Vampires but I figure they gotta have lives too, right? It's fun for me to try to figure out how they got to be the way they are and where that's going to take them, how their actions affect others and how their decisions impact the people around them. You know, the psychological stuff. Like a lot of people, I always been intrigued by writing but it took me a few decades to finally get up my nerve to put pen (or keyboard) to paper--I have this brother who makes his living writing and publishing books so it was a bit intimidating for me I'm afraid. This is a shame because I walked through a few decades without doing something I enjoy, but better late than never, right? I started out a few years ago writing in the Horatio Hornblower fandom after some internet surfing led me to discover fanfic, which I'd only vaguely heard of before that--and yes, I have actually read all of CS Forester's books. They're a lot of fun if you have some time and even get pretty funny in places. After a couple of years I tired of old Horry and moved on to QAF--don't have any problems one way or the other about gay or not, I just thought that the characters were interesting. By the way, I was never a real fan of the show, which I thought then and still think was poorly done, but that's just my opinion and so spare me the brick bats. Finally tired of that as well and trundled on to a blast from my past and picked up with DC Comics and Robin--now Nightwing--and still a serious cutie with a great butt. In the comics stories I stay away from the action stuff--partly because I know it's part of that personal suckitude I was talking about and mostly because I'm really not too interested in it. Seriously--biff, bam, bop--bore me. I'm currently starting up in the tiny Black Stallion fandom simply because I loved the books so much as a kid and wondered what happened to the characters. I thought the movies were an embarrassment, the TV show is okay, but nothing to lose sleep over and the fandom is currently so small that I know almost no one is reading but there you go. I'm easy about that kind of thing. I mean, c'mon, we all love to get feedback but if anyone is writing fanfic for the acclaim I seriously suggest they need to get out more. The latest? I saw the film Twilight and thought it was a hoot--really cheesy production values (am I the only one who noticed that the vamp makeup stopped at the chin lines and their necks were human flesh colored in too many shots?). Far and away the best high school satire since Ferris Bueller; 80 years of gym class? Vampires going to the prom? Werewolves on the reservation? Damn, I thought that was an absolute hoot--c'mon, that's funny! I loved it. By the way, did you know that the writers get to see all the stats about how many people are reading their stuff and what countries they're from? Yet another hoot. And speaking of flames? Lighten up, guys. It's free entertainment. You don't like a story? That's cool--hit delete. No big deal. I'm amazed at some of the comments I've gotten, though I happily admit that the vast majority are very nice, some are thoughtful and the criticisms are generally well deserved. Then there are the nut-cases--the ones who offer to pray for my soul or want to come over to my house for tea and be my bestest friend. Sadly, I'm not kidding. Just a little scary, some of them and why we use pen names instead of our real ones. Killing off characters? Moi? And why not, I ask. Unlike you or me, they're fictional, don't get upset by a little death and mayhem, no real harm is done and they'll be back as good as new tomorrow. As, I suppose, will I. That's the hope, anyway. Escapist hobbies; you just gotta love them. Simon. |