Author has written 14 stories for Highlander, Stargate: SG-1, Pretender, TV X-overs, Battlestar Galactica: 2003, and Tom Clancy. So a little bit about myself... I first got into reading fanfiction about three years ago, back then I only read those based on The Pretender. After a while I wrote my first story, "New Beginnings", which I still haven't finished but haven't forgotten. I'm just at a crux in the story... Then about six months ago I stumbled across some SG-1 fanfic and have been hooked ever since! I'm constantly amazed by the amount of wonderful talent out there! I like reading crossovers and writing them as well, I think they are a true testament to a writer's abilites to see how well they can combine two storylines! Personally, I'm quite pleased with the ones I've posted, and even prouder of one that I have been working on for months that I haven't started to post yet, so keep an eye out for it! 3/19/2007: I am in fact alive. I will soon be updating stories I have recently (a year is recent... right?) left unfinished. By week's end there will be some more chapters and that may continue for a brief window of opportunity before graduate school calls again and I get sucked back into the maelstrom. So please take what you can get! P.S. I just wrote a very nice long update on these stories, and then I lost them. So I'm a bit upset and you are now reading the condensed version without as much explanation. Tablets and Prophecies: Will probably get somewhere around 10 chapters in the near future. I have most of this story written, save for a few gaps. I will post up until those points and may in fact decide to leave those gaps and drop the plot bunny ideas I have had. So be excited and happy. Rest of the Story: Not as much reason to be happy here. I have at most two chapters for this story. I've hit a real roadblock on this story due to the following two entries which will someday be posted. So I've made an executive decision to cut many of the plot bunnies I had for this story. This story is serving to get us ready for the next and final installment in the Disclosure series that crosses the SGC and the Jack Ryan universe. This will not a Godfather II!!!! Full Disclosure: This will be the final story in the Disclosure series. I have an outline for this story. I know how it will end, but most (oh, come on... who am I kidding...) - all of the details in between are missing. The Long Way Home: This is yet another crossover story I am working on. (Are we seeing a theme in the types of stories I like to write?). This one involves the SGC universe that I created/am creating in the Disclosure series and Battlestar Galactica: 2003. I currently have over 130 pages of this story written, and there are still significant holes in this story that I need to fill in. And this is the reason that I haven't had any updates on the 'Rest of the Story'. This story will most likely be posted in the BSG:2003 section whenever I finish the Disclosure series. The request (this is not a story): I'm looking for a beta reader to help toss ideas around and make sure my plots are working. English is my native language so generally that's not too big of an issue (I am a scientist though so I reserve the right to make mistakes in my written skills). I need someone willing to be spoiled by what I have intended for the SGC universe I am creating in the Disclosure series, so someone familiar with those stories would be nice. And since I'm thinking to the future, and if you like BSG:2003 that'd be nice too. So that's it, that's all the update I have for you now. I hope it settled some nerves of those who are waiting for me to finish some stories. |