Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter.
This account is pretty much defunct as I don't write or read fanfiction anymore. I'll leave the following info up for archival purposes. It's from when I was 13, so my tastes have changed somewhat.
Name: Pearlita
Sex: Female
AIM: pearlita121 Interests: art, buddhism, classic rock, colorguard, creativity, dogs, english, flying spaghetti monster, forrest gump, geeks, good teachers, ice cream, imagination, james bond, jefeese, john lennon, journalism, latin, laughter, learning, linguistics, monty python, music, nerds, night, open minds, peace, philosophy, pirates, poetry, procrastinating, psychology, puns, rain, ravenclaw, religion, revolution, rock, science, silliness, stars, staying up late, the beatles, think!, tolerance, travel, wit, words
Colour: black and octarine
Animal: dogs, parrots (ARR)!, crumple-horned snorkacks
Author: Dahl, Vonnegut, Carrol, Bradsbury, Shakespeare, etc. And Orwell, despite his thematic redundancy.
Books: HP! (really), Discworld, Cirque Du Freak, Cat's Cradle and so so so many more
TV: Good Eats, Discovery channel, Science channel, History Channel, Scrubs, Jeopardy!
Music: Beatles, Talking Heads, the Doors, White Stripes, Ok Go!, The Clash, rock, punk, classical, etc... and musicals (Spring Awakening, Wicked, Avenue Q, etc)
Movies: Pleasantville, Forest Gump, I heart Huckabees, V for Vendetta, others
I like canon ships, but have recently become a slash addict.
Please read and review my fics!
How Harry Came About is DH compliant, but Love Me Do needs to be stretched to be DH-compliant.