Author has written 12 stories for Harry Potter, Twilight, Host, and Mortal Instruments. Well hey there everyone! My favorite ship is Draco/Hermione. I'm absolutely addicted. I liked Sirius/Hermione when I first got into fanfiction, but kinda grew out of that. I kind of like some Hermione/Charlie or Hermione/Bill...but I'm Dramione forever and for always! My very first story is a Sirius/Hermione story called Everyone Has a Secret... sadly it is on permanent hiatus and I only keep it on here for sentimental reasons... so I would not recommend reading it. Please read my story Moments of Sanity! Some of you may recognize it.. I started writing it about a year and a half ago... but then stopped. Then I decided that it was too good of an idea to waste so I sort of threw it all out and started over!I've really had a great response to it from reviewers-- thank you all so much! I also have two one-shots... both of them are song-inspired. Everything Burns is Ginny/Harry and Best I Ever Had is another Draco/Hermione! NEW ONE-SHOT! Living is a one-shot that kinda came to me out of nowhere..and I really like it. I might turn it into a short ficlet with one or two more chapters, depending on how much everyone likes it. I would like to give a HUGE thanks to all my reviewers... you guys keep me writing! Kudos to everyone out there who read and review. FOR THE DIE-HARD DRAMIONE FANS: You should all go check out the website Coloured Grey for dramione fanfiction. It is my opinion that Coloured Grey houses the best dramione fiction on the web. You should check it out! You won't regret it! Two New Stories! The first new story, We Happy Few, sparked from a request from a friend and it now has two chapters and more to come! The second is a Valentine's day one-shot called "Cupid Cards: Trapped" which has already had a tremendous response from reviewers for a one-shot! Thanks so much everyone! UPDATE!! Urgh... the real reason I'm posting: I received an anonymous review on Cupid Cards saying that I'd stolen part of the story from another dramione fic. This greatly distresses me, because I take pride in thinking out original plots and situations for my stories. The reviewer could have been confusing it with the Ginny/Blaise story of the same title that also centers around these Cupid Cards, but I have clearly stated that the author of the story, kneazle, and I decided together to do a V-day collaboration centering around the Cards. That one-shot was my contribution to the collaboration. But I'm still worried about it nonetheless. I suppose it IS possible that another author and I could have come up with a similiar idea, but it's hard to know because the reviewer didn't say what part of my story held similiarities to another. So, if anyone knows of the fic that this reviewer is accusing be of copying... I would greatly appreciate you telling me. Like I said, I pride myself on providing original plotlines and if by chance there is a similiar fic, I would like to fix the mishap. Okay... my long rant is over... promise :) And for listening... I'll work extra hard on updates...just for you! I Hope you enjoy my fics as much as I enjoy writing them. Thank you and God bless! Love, Peace, and Potter! Pictures from Chapter Twenty-Four of Moments of Sanity |