Author has written 113 stories for StarTrek: Deep Space Nine, StarTrek: Other, Firefly, and Sherlock.
Not everything I post is beta'd so any mistakes are entirely my own. When it is, it's beta'd by AGirloftheSouth.
I always appreciate reviews, of course. If you liked what I wrote, I like to know!
I am on tumblr!
BBC Sherlock readers: if you're familiar with my stories, visit Tricia in a guest appearance at Assumptions by j'ecrive.en.anglais, who did a fantastic job with her.
Also, Jamie in a guest appearance at The Ones We Carry by AGirlOfTheSouth who captured him perfectly in only a few short lines (also, it's a brilliant story - check out all of her stuff, it's all great).
My main Sherlock series (Sugarverse) is a continuous work in progress to which I am always adding new stories and not necessarily in chronological order. I will update the list as I add new stories. The best order for the Sugarverse is:
Grey Eyes
Support - Traduit en français par/translated into French by Elizabeth Mary Holmes: Parce que l'on sera toujours à tes côtés
As Before I Went Under
Stop at Nothing
The Relative Merits Of Honey
The Tea Sugar Experiment
The Tea Sugar Problem
Looks Like Rain
Things We Know
For Ourselves
Things To Do On A Sunday
In A Name
Delineation Of Personal Boundaries
Conditions Of This Agreement
Our Mutual Friend
We Are Pleased To Announce
The Space Around Me
The Next Best Thing
All Things Being Equal
The View From Up Here
A Mirror Without
Beneath The Surface
Joyeux Noel
How The Other Half Lives
Something So Small
A Lifetime For Music
When Viewed From This Angle
Just This One Thing
The Persistence Of This Illusion
Passing Out Of Winter
Into Groups
Personal Information
Another Reason Altogether
At Arm's Length
Instructional Materials
Never Ask Permission
In The Silence
Under The Bridge
Escape To The Country
A Crowded Room
A House Divided
A La Fin Du Monde
What We Share
Moonlight And Wine
The Grass Is Greener
Dans La Même Direction
When You Were Young
The Coming Rain
Absentminded - Art by buckle
A Matter Of Perspective
Stolen Treasure
Focus - cover art (and the end - NSWF) by double-negative means yes, cover art by moonblossom
On Ice
The Woods Path - Commissioned by oneofthoselunatics
Settling In
Time Well Spent
If It Were Otherwise: Sherlock Holmes, criminal genius and greatest business rival of Jim Moriarty, is in need of a doctor with loose morals and a quick trigger finger. Lucky, then, that he has a debtor whose brother is a retired army doctor, recently returned from Afghanistan. AU; John/Sherlock; OCs Done!!
The Side of Angels When the British government approaches Sherlock to assist in dealing with an insidious threat, the stability he's built in the wake of Jim Moriarty's downfall is endangered - and he risks bring that threat too close to home. WIP
The Road Ahead: After a serious illness, Sherlock and John face a slow road to recovery together.
The Hollow Woman An empty house fic. Forced to return to London sooner than expected, Sherlock falls into a case too close to home. Major character death; John/Sherlock (the major character death is not Sherlock or John).
Double Take
Writing on the Wall
Crowning Glory - Art by doublenegativemeansyes
Avant Garde WIP
Stand alones:
First Night
Without a Measure of Darkness
You Know The Type: Technically this is a Sugarverse story but can be read on its own because it's entirely PWP.
As You Like It
For Luck
Co-authored with AGirloftheSouth:
Additional Information
Regular Universe DS9
A Dagger I See Before Me
A Moment in the Sun
Greensleeves AU
A Shadow of My Life
One Fine Day
Of Two Minds
All Quiet
There are other regular DS9 stories but they stand alone and can be read in any order.