![]() Author has written 8 stories for Harry Potter, and Once Upon a Time. Important Update: I have changed my username from MysticSong1978 to The.MysticSong (on my profile URL the period is dropped). I am just "MysticSong" on Archive of Our Own, and I believe most FF sites, and I decided to drop the random numbers that were from an old Yahoo email (which I no longer have). So, this is still really me. No one copied my stories or anything like that! (I wish I could just by MysticSong but someone else already has that one, so The.MysticSong was the closest I could do to match other sites. To my loyal readers: A briefing on what's been going on since I last updated my HP WIP, which I know has been way too long ago. I have not forgotten about writing, but supporting your wife through a diagnosis of a rare cancer, which ultimately leaves you as a widow because the doctors are too chicken... to do the recommended treatment, doing any of your regular life stuff is just... HARD, bordering on impossible. I'm slowly working my way back to writing. I had a lot going on before I ever met my darling, late wife too, that just took my time away from writing fan fiction. I was accepted to and graduated from graduate school with a specialized MBA. Discovered I had Celiac Disease and started a blog about it to help others. Met the woman whom I would later marry and then also be widowed by. In between those times I published my first original book. My dear friend and fellow author, known here as Ms-Figg, passed away unexpectedly. If you're on Facebook, you are welcome to join the group I created to honor and remember her, Remembering Ruth. In February of 2016 I wrote my first fan fic in 9 years! Once Upon a Time fandom. It just came to me! This gives me the first real hope I've had in years that I can get my head back into my HP stories and complete them. *crosses fingers* (Spoiler: It didn't work out.) That year I was also diagnosed with Meniére's Disease. My computer crashed that year too and while I was able to back things up, it was quickly done and not organized at all. She went through about 2 years of treatment and died in a hospital that accelerated her death via malpractice. In early 2019, I was a widow. I really do miss writing fan fiction, and hope that one of these days I really can get back into it. I've been doing background work towards this end goal. Especially for HPCOS Take 2. To try to prevent you all from then waiting ages between that and another chapter, however, I am not going to post it until I have made sufficient headway into another chapter, or perhaps complete it (COS2) altogether, and then upload it, perhaps a chapter a week. It was requested, long ago, that I do the entire 7 books for my Take 2 series. At the time, I agreed, but I can no longer guarantee the possibility of that. Although I still love HP fan fiction (JKR's behavior soured me considerably on anything official), and still read fan fics for it, it's not my top fandom these days. But I hate coming across unfinished stories when I'm the reader, so I am determined to provide an ending to my WIP, someway, somehow. (And hopefully one that doesn't suck. ;-) ) Thanks for sticking with me. NOTE Due to an incredibly rude wholly inappropriate review I received, I would just like to point out that if there is ever any sexual activity in my stories, the people involved ARE OF AGE. If I ever have a story that calls for otherwise, there will be hefty warnings available. I do write slash here and there. Not all the time, but it is in some stories. If you do not like, do not read it. Please refrain from "reviews" telling me how sick you are going to be. Frankly, I am sick of reading about it, especially after I warned you. "Duck Duck Goose" and "Our First Christmas" have slash, the latter story being very, very mild since it is a drabble, and is more just of a quick passing glance. "Duck" has intimate activity of both the slash/non-slash variety. I do not write in heavy, descriptive detail (regardless of the pairing). Should any story turn into, or just have a chapter that would be relative to a "death fic," I would provide appropriate warning. I'm autistic and if you write untrue horrible stereotypes (or just totally false crap) about autism in your story, I will call you out on it. Functioning labels are utter and total crap, just so you know. Also, please note: for those of you who have the urge to write in and tell me all the things about the first of my Take Two stories and tell me how it's not original and how it is too much like the book . . . 1)It was published in 2004, at which point what I did was an original concept and 2)It was my first attempt at fan fiction. Many of us are unhappy with our first fan fiction. But it has lots of reviews so I don't want to take it down, and I can't change lots of it without completely changing the whole thing. I have made some edits over the years, but that's about it. I do respond to Private Messages, it just may take me awhile. I don't get to login here as often as I would like! (And hasn't been reliable for years now in letting me know when I have private messages.) STORY UPDATES as of 01/20/20024: Time For a Four-Way: I took this story down quite awhile ago due to a personal life event that nearly ended the story and a friendship with a co-author. I really did not think I had it in me to finish it. Times change and I am once again working on this delightful little gem. When you see it show up again, know that it is totally finished and you will be getting a chapter a week. Only one of the co-authors is still interested in finishing this story now, and we're both super busy and overwhelmed, so it's become very slow going. OTHER UPDATES as of 8/12/2008 (leaving this since I still get asked about it every now and then): Yes, Slytherin Selection was my site. No, it is no longer on-line. No, you may not use any graphics (or otherwise) that are tagged with Slytherin Selection without my permission. |