![]() Author has written 11 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Yu Yu Hakusho, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and Fullmetal Alchemist. I am a 20 year old female who is into Gaiaonline dot com, username Lady Davia. All my hobbies and interests and such are on my Gaia profile. My fave anime's are 1.Inuyasha 2.Yu-Yu-Hakusho 3.Yu-Gi-Oh! 4.Full Metal Alchemist 5.Dragon Ball Z 6.Trigun 7.Sailor Moon Closed 9. Cowboy Beebob. I also love Kingom Hearts and the matrix. I am obsessed with vampires and gay men. . any questions? email me at kuramashiei4ever at yahoo dot com! blessed be! GLOSSARY Amnispeak- the ability to speak with animals. Animorphmagi- has the power to transform into an animal at will, some have more than one animigi form. Dark Veela- A Veela with black hair and eyes. They mate with any gender, and attract them with dark seductive and mysterious personalities. Rather than turning into a bird like creature when angered, they became like panther's, growing sleek black fur and pointed canines. Unlike the silver Veela they lived in dark places, near the dragons and other powerful creatures. Draconian- Born when a Veela mates with a Dragon, they are of the strongest and purest blood. Like Veelas and their dark counterparts they mated for life. No other creature was near them in strength, not eventhe Valshiri, and they were the rarest of all living, or dead, creatures(the exception being the Valshiri). They looked like humans with dark hair, eyes, and leathery wings varying in color. They had the ability to talk to all animals and no matter who or what they mated, they were always the dominant ones. And they are ALWAYS male. Their sole pupose for entering the mortal realm? To protect those who could not protect themselves. Elemental- controls of one of the four elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. Egion Sharita (Past Angel)- Angels fallen to earth and reborn in mortal bodies. They have no memory of their past, but their powers; and sorrow and pain at losing the closeness with the fates, remained buried deep in the subconscious mind.Very, very rare. They spend much of their life feeling empty and not knowing why. But if the Angel fell for a good purpose, such as to save someone, or was pulled down, then they were meant to live a happy life. Yet some that were meant to be happy suffered more than the foulest ones, and this is why their poqwers were reawakened. Another way this could happen was if the Angel felt a really strong emotion, and the pure, primeval need to correct a problem they saw as horribly wrong. If the need was strong enough then their powers responded to it, awakening full-force and coming to the aide of the Fallen one. They are seperated into several differnt categories. 1.Arishna Sharita (Dark Angel)- Granted the power of Shalown. This is the shadow power, the ability use the shame of the fallen angel to hide in the shadown and manipulate them at will, using them for anything from a cloak to a sword of shadow magic. A very difficult element to control. 2.Chrishna Sharita (Light Angel)- Granted the power of Letora, life. They may never harm anyone, no matter what. They may only heal. They cannot kill their opponents, but they can heal their allies and defend them with light sheilds. 3.Coronoray Sharita (Cure Angel)- Granted the power of Coron. This is the ability to heal by focusing on a deep need to summon part of the Angel's soul like a patrounous, so that it heals the vicim. 4.Korslayn Sharita (Corrupt Angel)- Granted the power of Koray. This isthe ability to kill by using their magic as bait to draw the death of the Angel out into curse form, which they throw at their opponent. They can only be countered by other Egion Sharitas. 5.Loren Sharita (Lunar Angel)- Granted Lunar powers, the powers of the Moon. They have the ability to call upon the moon for aide, whether it be to heal, to create a weapon, to enhance a potion, to summon a familier, to strengthen spells, to creatre shields, or otherwise manipulate it in any way possible. Except for one thing, it can never be used with dark intent, unless it is justified. 6.Sharita Osh Atora (Angel of Death)- Granted the power of the Areanna, the dead. They console dead soles and allow them to pass on, and have the power to send dark sould forcibly to where they belong once they are dead. Usually loners and the only Sharita with Ebony wings. Empath- feels the emotions of others, easily become overwhelmed withoput a shield and go mad or die within days. Can be extremly painful if there is not a strong mind shield or a person to ground there magic. Familier- An animal that bonds it's soul to a human for it'a entire life. Mages- control one of the rarest powers; divided into several groups. Weather mages, celestail mages, mind mages, and natural mages. Magis- controls one of the rarer powers of ice, plants, or morphing (changing ones features). Modifiers-Modifiers could manipulate/modify simpler and spells to their advantage. The stronger the Modifier, the stronger the curses they could modify. Natural Fighters- People that see a physicasl fighting manuver and learn it at highly unnatural speeds, sometimes after seeing it only one time. They don't have to thinkm asbout what they're doing, it comes natturally to tham as long as they practice. They are sorted into two categories; weapons masters, and combatants (who used hand to hand combat, such as martail arts of all forms). Plantspeaks- Contol the ability to speak with plants Valshiri- This creature is always female, and her skin is bathed in a pale rose-blue light that only enhances her beauty. She is beautiful, horrible. She has the head and the torso of a beautiful young woman. Her skin is so pale that it glows silver, conflicting with her blue aura, and she has the elegant pointy ears of an elf. Her hair flows down to her lower back like water, blacker than the darkest night. Faintly glimmering in her hair are pale blue ice crystals hard as diamonds. Also adorning her hair are blood red rose petals softer than the finest silk. Even with her graceful movements, not even a single petal falls out. On her forehead is a black unicorns horn with silver spirals swirling up to the tip. Her eyes are as black as her hair hiding silver specs that sparkle in the depths like stars in the midnight sky, a faint tinge of red around the iris. her naval is surrounded by a tattoo of black fire, with a deep almost black blue at it's core. Covering her chest is a silver silk veil held to her body by a series of thin silver chains, some of which were clasped beneath her delicate graceful arms that ended in pale hands and the long slim fingers of a pianist. Beneath her naval her body joins with that of a horse, similair to a centaur. She has the body of a black mare, though her fur is spattered with shining silver dragon scales. Her legs are slightly thicker than a horses, though thinner than a dragon's. they end in clawed dragon feet, the nails a blackish blue and sharp enough to cut through human bone as though it were cotton candy. She has three panther tails, smoother than the deepest velvet, and on her gracefully arched back are two ebony feathered raven's wings with a wingspan of six feet on either side. When she smiles she reveals fangs sharp enough to rival those of the King of Vampires, and her voice is a soft whisper quiet as the sighing wind. The Valshiri are guardians of the deepest pits of Hell, and the Purest castles in Heaven. They reside in Cymepk, the land of twilight; between day and night, light and dark, good and evil, life and death. They are the gate guardians, standing at the gates to Heavan and Hell. They are as rare as their Draconian counterparts, the difference being that they stayed in their dimension to protect the fates and Gods/Goddesses while the Draconians went to the mortal realm to protect those that were weaker than themselves. And they never mated. They were immortal, but if they somehow died, they stayed that way. That is why they were so rare, only 88 were ever created, and already 80 had died. The last eight were the strongest, and the wisest. |