Author has written 11 stories for Mario, Yu-Gi-Oh, Zoids, Inheritance Cycle, Kingkiller Chronicle, Addams Family, Metroid, and Maniac Mansion.
I am a humble shroom who likes to write. Don't hit me! Feel free to take a look at my stuff. I know it may not be the most awesome, but it's not complete crap (in my opinion). At least I try to use spell check :D My avatar was drawn by RockLeone (she's on DeviantArt). Not for me specifically or anything, but it was too awesome NOT to use!
So okay, my claims that I was posting stuff for a "friend" were pretty much me trying to avoid catching flack for taking over five years off from writing. And for abandoning Mysterious Scent, which I still feel bad about. I dunno, I wrote that little Zoids story for fun and it got the old juices flowing. But I've been reading a lot more than watching TV lately so hence all the Eragon and Kingkiller stuff. William Sleator and Amber Benson novels in between, and I kinda dig Patricia Briggs but I still haven't read the latest Mercy Thompson. I've been thinking of starting Dune but, uh... how do I put this? IT'S TOO LONG. Just like this profile update, haha.
That's right; Mysterious Scent is finished! I know, I know, I'm a crapface for letting writer's block turn me away from it, but I promise it will not happen again (as far as this story goes, anyway). Not only that, but it's so long you could almost print it in book form. Yay for closure!
If you didn't notice, we've got a new Nintendo fic: GOOMBOID PRIME. Mario finds himself in the futuristic Metroid universe where everyone he knows is there, but what's going on? Princess Peach is a senator, Luigi is a lawyer, and Wendy O. Koopa... well, it's just too weird for words. Also, I threw up one more Kingkiller one-shot since I'm currently reading The Wise Man's Fear (very, very slowly).
Wow, I'm really glad everybody continues to enjoy my Inheritance fics, and I also get the occasional thumbs up from a Wendy O. fan as well. Sweet! Some of you are probably wondering where I went lately. Well, I also write original fiction, and I have been trying to concentrate on that a lot more lately. In fact, I participated in NaNoWriMo this year, and I won! If you're curious please PM me and for now I'll happily point you to my NNWM profile (and eventually a link to buy the book I wrote this month, which isn't available yet since I still have a LOT of editing to do). I'm not posting it publicly on here because, well, anonymity is essential for most fanfic writers, right? Sometimes worlds colliding is not good (unless it's crossover fic, and then it's awesome)!