![]() Author has written 45 stories for Snowboard Kids, Kingdom Hearts, Fullmetal Alchemist, Utena, Azumanga Daioh, Pokémon, Final Fantasy VII, Vocaloid, and Hetalia - Axis Powers. Nyah, Personal info: Penname: AnimeDutchess Real name: I can't really tell you...but if we're close, you know my name. Lives in: a place...somewhere. on this planet. in space. yeppers. Lurvs (yes, lurvs...in no particular order): Anime, Manga, Video Games, Books, Writing, Music, not paying attention in class yet still getting kickass grades, my friends, my family, saying 'nyah' in my e-mails, shonen-ai, mpreg (nosebleed) extremely EXTREMELY light shojo-ai, fanfiction (obviously), fanart, snow, staying up till all hours of the night online, sugar-y tea, chocolate-covered pretzels, coconut, the color purpe, sleeping, and that one freaky star that seems to change color while i look at it. Hates with a fucking passion: mad hardcore yuri (barf), lemons (barf), waking up before 10:00 am on the weekends, idiotic people, preppy people, idiotic preppy people, and Barney. ahah! nyah, i'm such a fool! Anime I like: Full Metal Alchemist, Chrono Crusade, Sailor Moon, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Naruto (english dubb sucks, though), and a resurfacing love of old school Pokemon...don't ask about the last one Manga I like: .hack//: Legend of The Twilight, any Kingdom Hearts manga, Aoi House (started as a web comic), Full Metal Alchemist Video Games I like: Kingdom Hearts series (i am a slave...), Final Fantasy VII (only played a little, but i've seen AC and read fanfics, so it's all good), Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Wind Waker, any Pokemon rpg where you can choose between being a boy or a girl (besides Yellow verison ), Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door Books I like: Harry Potter series, The Great Gatsby, Heidi, A Little Princess, The Secret Garden, Anne of Green Gables, The Wizard of Oz, The DaVinci Code Cartoons I can tolerate: Avatar: the Last Airbender (the best thing America's come up with in the cartoon department since South Park) Favorite Pairings (beware, most are canon...or yaoi ;) KH: Sora/Riku, Axel/Riku, Axel/Sora, AkuRoku, Zemyx, Sora/Kairi, Yuffie/Demyx, Yuffie/Axel. I also support my friends putting their OCs with Riku, so Riku/OC can go up here. but only when my friends make OCs, because i like our OCs! yes, i am aware of the idiodcy of that statement! FMA: Ed/Roy, Ed/Envy, Roy/Riza, Al/Winry Chrono Crusade: Chrono/Rosette, Joshua/Azmaria, Joshua/Fiore, Father Remington/Sister Kate (actually, i like it when Kate just beats the crap outta him for some reason. funneh! ) Sailor Moon: Luna/Artemis (oh come on, they're cats! they make a great couple! they talk! ) Naruto: NaruHina (gotta root for the shy girl, yo!), Sakura/Lee, Ino/Chouji, NaruSasu Final Fantasy VII: Cloud/Aerith (yeah, i say Aerith), Cloud/Tifa, Cloud/Yuffie (when Yuffie has a crazy crush on Cloud and he doesn't even notice), Reno/Yuffie, Cloud/Reno (so rare yet so worth it! reminds me of AkuRoku ) Yuffie/Vincent, Yuffie/Kadaj Revolutionary Girl Utena: Utena/Anthy (because they are so worth it) Pokemon: Ash/Gary (PalletShipping), Paul/Dawn (IkariShipping), Gary/Ash/Dawn (DreamerShipping...I named it, too!) Bishonen...that I wish were mine...(pout): KH: Sora, Riku, Roxas, Axel, Demyx to a slight degree, Zexion to a slight degree FMA: Ed, Roy, and yes, even Envy teh palm tree Naruto: er...Naruto. Sasuke can go screw himself, 'cause Cloud beats him in teh emo category FF7: Reno. Only Reno. and I pronounce it Ree-No, not Reh-no. my friends always bug me about it 'cause they're hardcore with the japanese dubb (pout) Chrono Crusade: Chrono, duh! but only chibi Chrono, because big Chrono is TOO sexy for me... Legend of Zelda series: Link, yo! Pokemon: (waits for your shocked gasps to die down) Ash was, technically, my first crush on any character, and i still find him adorable. And...i used to hate Gary to pieces...now i wanna hug him to pieces... yeah, I used to be big into InuYasha, but...meh. not so much. I'd put up some quotes, but i don't remember anything awesome my friends have said... T.T;;; The work on my fanfiction has been sporatic, to say the least. i'm lazy and writer's block isn't helping. I am, however, trying to do one-shots. please read and review whatever catches your eye. Note: I'm thinking of writing something for my new addiction (Ash/Gary, Satoshi/Shigeru, Palletshipping, ShiShi, whavever you prefer to call it). I've got some ideas, so if ur curious, take a looksie! Note II: For the person who added my Kh oneshots to that underappreciated KH fic list on livejournal...(hug) ur a sweetie! 8/22/08: I'm going to be moving into my college dorm on the 24th, which shall be the start of five years of college for me...I need the five years so I can get a teaching degree. But I don't wanna teach. I wanna write! Even if I only make enough to live off of scraps, I want to write... I don't know when I'll be able to write fics...when I'll be able to respond to reviews...when I can even RP with my friends...I don't know. So if there's nothing new for a long time, please don't be mad. I really don't know what's going to go down...with studying and parties (and let's be realistic - the only parties I'll be going to are all night anime-marathons with a roomfull of nerds and we're down to the last box o' pocky) and campus events and making time for my family...I know I'll get inspiration. I'll write original work as well as fanfiction...but I don't know when I'll write or post it. I...the closest thing I'm taking this semester to a writing course is an Honors English class. I'm taking Math to get it out of the way, and I know SHIT about math. I have to take a computer class...apparently, you need to know more than how to use a word document. I'm scared, guys. I wanna cry. My room's emptier than it's been in years, yet there's still so much left...it's times like this when I wish I was still in Japan. I'm going to model my house after Japanese houses when I grow up. None of this cookie-cutter Pottery Barn bullshit; tatami mats, carpets, special floor chairs, everything. They have small houses, but by American standards, it's good for one or two people. It's not claustraphobia-inducing at all, I think... I read the required book for this semester. The Kite Runner. No matter what you've heard, trust me. It's a good book. It takes you for several loops, but it's worth it. Really, it is... -AnimeDutchess |
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