Hello everyone, As you know I am Desolate03. I am a college graduate. My day job I work for a health care company in IT. My night job is to read and write to my heart's content. I am definitely known for my Harry Potter Slash Fanfiction. I also have a LJ account. Most of the time it's friend locked so if you would like to read anything that I post there then just search Desolate03 and befriend me. I'm a huge fan of slash fiction, primarily in the Harry Potter, Gundam Wing, the Mummy (series), and now Star Trek (2009), and a few others. All of my stories will be hosted on my site. URL is : www (dot) desolatememoirs (dot) net. Ciao darlings and thanks for reading! |
alter-shadow (1) Apollymi (39) Beren (10) | Katsuko1978 (103) Lanaea (16) rii no ame (0) |