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Joined 05-10-01, id: 67875
2/3/03: Um, wow. Three new chapters in three days. But more importantly: Part One is finished! : ) You can expect Part Two to begin any day now...Thanks for all of your reviews and support!

2/1/03: Chapter 30 is up--it's much shorter than the last two chapters, but there's a lot to be taken in/important material. Um, I've had some people comment in their reviews about the "end" drawing near...which is partially true. There are going to be three parts to this story--what is currently up on is Part One. The reason it feels like this story is coming to a close is because Part One is almost over--in fact, there are only two more chapters until Part Two begins. Part Two tells of Celaena's adventures in Wendlyn; Part Three tells of her return to Adarlan...
I realized the other day that there are certain people that I should have thanked LONG ago (outside of my dedication in the prologue) for the way this story is today.
The first and foremost person deserving my thanks is Rachel Buchanan--the closest a person will ever get to being my "beta-reader." Rae--you always have time to read a rough draft of a chapter, find any mischievious little typos that were hiding from my eyes, listen to my ideas and give advice, provide me with words when my mind runs dry, and your enthusiasm and impossibly cheery nature are a constant source of energy and motivation to keep on writing. Thank you SO much for all of your time and help--it is appreciated more than you can ever know.
Secondly, I'd like to thank another source of constant motivation: Stephanie Maas, my cousin. Steph--your insane ideas and "alternate endings" to this story always make me smile and laugh. I think that one of my reasons to keep on writing is so that I can continue to hear you make up lines and situations like "..and then Roland died of AIDS." Laughter is the best medicine--especially where writer's block is concerned. Thanks--I love you!
Third, I have to thank two of my school mates: Kady Lane and Julie Blitzer. Thank you for your unwavering support and enthusiasm for this story. You guys have been with me from the start, and I don't think that I could have kept on writing this story wasn't for your fascination, feed-back, and demands for a new chapter. Lady Tigerfish all the way! Woohoo for second-semester Juniors! : ) Thanks, you guys.
And last, but not least, I have to thank all of my wonderful reviewers. I jump for joy every time I see an e-mail alerting me of a new review. Seriously. Like, it's a natural high for me to hear what you have to say about my story. Thanks for all of your patience and encouragement--thank you for just about everything. You guys are all fantastic, wonderful people, and I hope that life gives you everything you'll ever want. : )
*wipes brow* Whew--that was a lot, wasn't it? Well, I meant every word of it. Every damn word. *smile* Time to go write chapter 31! Talk to you all soon!

1/23/03: I survived mid-terms, so you know what that means...Yes! Another update! This chapter, believe it or not, is actually longer than the last--twenty-six pages (as compared to the last chapter's 25)! Most likley, I'll be updating before February 2nd (this Sunday), so you won't have to wait very long for the next chapter! Part One of this story will be done in about two or three more chapters (there are going to be three parts of this novel). Thanks for all of the great reviews! I really appreciate them!

1/5/03: Okay, I did NOT add a new chapter after 26, but I added a "missing" one after chapter 5, so all the old chapters have gone up one number (sorry to disappoint everyone). The one that I added (now called chapter 6) is actually just another plot/character building chapter that introduces the King of Adarlan and his relationship to his son, along with lots of stuff about Adarlan. I've begun the tedious process of editing, so there have been lots of minor things added to the earlier chapters (you should really check out what I added to chapter 5, some crucial things were put in!). Enjoy!

11/9/02: I made a yahoo! discussion group for the book so that all of you don't have to keep on e-mailing me and posting reviews asking about when the next chapter will be out. You can join at: http:///group/QueenofGlass/join

September 2002: Since school has started up again, I'm afraid that my updates on "Queen of Glass" will probably be random and not often. I'll write as much as I can during my free time and on the weekends, especially on holiday breaks. If you have any requests or questions about my novel-in-progress or myself, please feel free to e-mail me. Thanks for all of the great reviews and support; your comments and praise help to keep me writing this ridiculously long thing I'd like to call a book.

Oh, and if you copy or steal any of my stories without my permission, I'll sue you so fast that it'll make your head spin.
Have a nice day!
S. J. Maas

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Love lasts forever – or so they thought. Months have passed, months in which Draco and Hermione’s relationship has deepened. But Lucius has been planning… and he could destroy their love forever. The sequel to Fire and Ice. (Complete)
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