Author has written 20 stories for Pokémon, Ranma, and Inuyasha. (Last Updated: 29/01/2014) Formerly known as 'A*MON' and now known as Angelstars; a 30-something tomboy, born and bred British with an unhealthy obsession for Anime, Manga and Doujinshi. I am no longer an active fanfiction author, but you can still find my archived fics on here, and all under the same penname. My interests have changed over the years I am spending a lot more time on working with graphics and maintaining my websites, this also reflects on my taste in anime and manga- currently I favour BL / Yaoi series, but still enjoy most shounen series!
Top 10 Manga Series: Top 10 Anime Series: ... More found here @ Websites; – Network/Collective Fiction; & Untamed Heart (Inuyasha) - Complete Extras; Fic Status; There's something about Kagome & Untold Secrets have been discontinued. I will not be picking them back up. Update: I have given my permission for UshioOkazaki to take full control of and continue both TsaK & US! Thank you! (16th June 2011) |
Aile Anna (10) Ark9 (6) Brit Columbia (15) Classic Cowboy (119) cultnirvana (8) del-kaidin (25) | EmeraldDragon (33) Fusion Blaster (11) Lady Feather (16) Merellia (16) MikariStar (137) MistY BluE (11) | Misty Wildfire (11) Neongene (11) Spruceton Spook (12) Wild Growlithe (14) |