Author has written 8 stories for Harry Potter. Name: John Contacting me: If you wish to contact me you can send an e-mail to me or contact me on MSN. Update 1-1-13 Well I guess I didn't get the update to the story out like I had planned by the new year. My daughter was born day after my previous update 11-20, and things have been hectic since then. I promise I will try to get new content up as soon as I can. Update 11-19-12: I know I haven’t put an update on here in over a year, but there are many reasons for my lack of updates. The main one is that I have been having issues when it comes to figuring out where I am going with Rewind and Replay. That doesn’t mean I have forgotten my readers, because I have been trying to get an update that works how I want it too. The second reason is every time I try to write I end up writing something else instead. I have written like 18 chapters in a story called Dragon Federation, which I may or may not put up at some point. I have also written a few other fics, that in truth probably will never get put up here since they ran out of steam after only a few chapters. The third reason is a fic that you the reader probably been waiting for four years to get put up here. That’s right I have been trying to work on the Legend of Silver Wolf, but unfortunately I have rewritten chapter one quite a few times and still haven’t got it to where I am happy enough with it to continue, so not sure when it might get up here. I greatly hope to get something up soon, even if it is just something simple, but don’t fear that I have forgotten you. I will do my best to get an update out before the end of this year at the latest, but hopefully sooner. The Gate Way: Is now Complete. This is the first story in a series of stories I plan on writing. Since book six will be out before I finish most likely, I will be ignoring book six to complete this series of fics. This is a Harry/Tonks story, so if you’re against that ship you probably shouldn’t read it. Life Not Worth Living: Is now Complete. This is a Harry/Tonks story, so if you’re against that ship you probably shouldn’t read it. Harry and Tonks start to get a little bit dark in this story, so if you don’t like a darker Harry and Tonks then you probably shouldn’t read this. As some if not all of you have known this story was not suppose to be more than a one shot deal. When I wrote the first chapter that was suppose to be the end of the story, but thanks to all the loyal readers and reviewers it became more. As I wrote each chapter the story started to form and evolve until it eventually became something that I had never intended it to become. It went from a way for me to express my depression in chapter one to a full-blown story that everyone seems to like a lot, which I am very glad that the readers like it. Though now the story isn’t really fitting its name any longer and since I have found a way to end the tale I have decided to take it. There will be 22 chapters in this story, not including the one interlude chapter, but this will only be the end of this story. Eventually I will put up a sequel that will pick up where this one ends. Two Lives to Live: Is now Complete. This is the much-anticipated sequel to Life Not Worth Living. It will pick up where its predecessor left off. It takes place after Harry’s Hogwarts’ years when he is an older man. It is a Harry/Tonks fic, so if you don’t like that ship, then you should stay clear of this story. Dark Order Series: The Beginning Is now Complete. I have written all the chapters of this fic already and have uploaded10 chapters out of the 18 that will be in it. This is the first story in a series of stories I plan on writing. Since book six will be out before I finish most likely, I will be ignoring book six to complete this series of fics. There are multiple pairings in this story, and some of them you may not agree with. The main pairing is Harry/Tonks. Others are Harry/Narcissa, Harry/Bellatrix, Harry/Lily and some light Harry/OC. If you have a problem with these then maybe this isn’t the story for you. Harry, Tonks, Narcissa, Bellatrix, Lily, and others are all dark in this series, so if you have a problem with this then again I suggest that you don’t read this fic. My Yahoo Group: http:///group/clavenshaven/ |