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Joined 06-15-15, id: 6854585, Profile Updated: 09-02-15

One of my dear friends and sister in everything but blood, Cel or TheGirlWhoCan'tLetGo, committed suicide on the third of April.

She was bashed so much by haters on fanfiction, told she should die by them.

She is dead now. I will miss you forever, my sister.

I invite you to join me in a time of silence, mourning Cel.

Leave your name here and post this on your profile if you think that this is unfair and people should be against bullying and cyber bullying:

Snow Wolfe6631, TeamCudgee, theguynamedNico, XxBanewolvesLiveAgainxX, Draph91, The Dead Can Live, Pertemis fan, John D. Malcolm, SmileyFaces (Guest), Please Read (Guest), honeybear8342, AncientTide, AlexJacksonSonOfPoseidon, Hewhorunswithwolves,GeekyGreakFreak (Guest), TheGoosemaster, Maldor75 TensaZangetsu08

Pm if you post this on your profile and want to be on mine.

Join us as we fight for Cel and all those who have lost their lives because of the hatred that boils inside others!

Every 3rd of April, or every 3rd of every month, find someone who is being bullied and help them for Cel. Help them so that they don't take the same path as Cel. Buy a rose and give it to a suffering person. For Cel.

If you have ever bullied someone, you are the finger the pulls the trigger and the razor that cuts the wrist. If you have ever called someone names, you are the rope that tightens around their neck as they cease to breathe. If you have ever sent hateful messages to someone, you are the little white pill that will end it all. If you have ever harassed someone, you are the water that they sink under, soon to be found dead.

If you are someone who bullies, take this into your heart as wrong and NEVER do it again. I pity those who have to resort to bullying to make themselves feel good. They end up hurting themselves anyway.

Please if you ever are considering suicide, please pm me. It is a horrible experience that none of your friends or family should have to endure when you are gone. I know from experience. Please, even if you bullied sweet Cel, never commit suicide. I would love to talk to you about anything.

I love all you guys, just please remember that.

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

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