Author has written 2 stories for Naruto. Ugh. Ok, I doubt anyone who ever originally read my stories has even thought of me in the past year or so, much less checked my profile. To put it bluntly, I really don't think I can write Akima anymore. After such a long absence, I've not only lost my motivation for writing about her, but I've also decided I hate OCs that infect storylines like she has done. I was proud of my writing before, but now it seems so childish and is so horribly put together that I can barely read it without smacking my head against my desk. Repeatedly, and with cuss words and blinding embarrassment that I could ever actually post this kind of stuff. I have written pretty much the first chapter of Akima 2, so I'll post it if even one person asks me to, but I don't think I can write anymore on that subject. What I've written is mostly setting the stage for the actual story, which I've scrapped. So, don't expect much. What I have been writing is not stuff that fits into any category on I've been co-authoring several, humorous, horribly strung together stories about the grim reaper, pothead ninjas, homicidal escapees from an asylum, the 300 billion sons of Lucifer, an entourage of all the stereotypes of students in a high school setting getting stuck together... blah blah blah. They're all really funny, but mostly built on inside jokes... I'd like to post them anyway, but they're too original for fanfiction. They're complete crack. I'm pretty proud of some instances. The point is, I haven't given up on writing, I just lost faith in Akima. And Naruto, after all those fillers. And even now that Shippuuden has started, I find it crappy in comparison with the old Naruto I loved... though maybe I'm expecting too much or criticizing too early on to really tell... but the first 4 episodes are baaaaaad in animation and interesting-ness. Maybe I'm just growing out of Naruto. No! It has been my inspiration and practically my religion for so long, I can't let it go!! And yet I have, when we hit the 30th filler. Soooo... I guess I'm officially on hiatus. I kinda have been, but now it's official, which means something to somebody, somewhere, I swear. What's below here is what was in my post before... that I thought had lots of information about what could have been, but wasn't. Ok, now it has been a full year since I have written anything for fanfiction. Some of you may be delighted to know that I have started Part II of Akima... emphasis on started. I've written the prologue and a small part of chapter one. Today is June 29. It's gonna go a lot slower than usual because I'm actually trying to make it good, though I don't have a plotline yet. I don't even have each person's personality quite fixed. I'm not even quite sure what Akima really looks like in my head. As you can see, this will take work. Also, as one of my readers pointed out, there is a severe lack of description in my writing. In all of my writing. I think out the scene all pretty in my head and then forget to write it down so that you guys can see it too. So there will be more of that. Too much, I begin to fear. I've taken a whole paragraph to describe Akima's room. It might turn into Tolkein writing. The horror, the horror... I read his books anyway. So, this entry was simply to let people know I'm still alive and writing... slowly... It's hard to get inspiration. Most of the time I'm too lazy, too tired, too bored, too hot, etc. I thought a year off would break my habit of staring and staring at the screen until I barf up my ill-conceived plotlines and last-minute answers to problematic storylines that my characters get tossed into... in about 10 minutes... then I stare some more... and it takes me a looooong time to get anywhere satisfactory. A note to the people who actually remember how the Akima storyline went and what the characters were like: I'm changing everything. I don't mean I'm going to fix the old story; that, I've determined, would require too much effort. But any preconceptions you've had about Akima's personality, fighting style, likes and dislikes, looks, code of ethics... it's all going away and I'm starting fresh. There will be a time break between Akima 1 and 2, possibly ranging from half a year to much more. Akima will stay somewhat weak-ish cuz it takes a while to become a good ninja... but for the sake of the storyline she will be much cooler than before. I don't mean she'll be able to shoot lasers from her eyes, but I mean she's gonna have her perks... things she's good at and things she sucks at. She'll have her stumbles, trips, and falls... as well as her bursts of speed and the ever-present ability to elbow her opponent where it hurts (I am using a foot race metaphor here; I'm so clever. I made it up myself.) More on that later. Demon-wise, I have decided nothing. Itachi-relationship-wise, I've decided will exist to the point where he won't kill her when he gets annoyed. Probably nothing more than that. When romance in movies makes you flinch, you doubt your abilities... and motivation... for writing all that, flowery, mushy, smoochy crapness. I'm so old, and yet I still have no stomach for any kind of romantic relationship. Guess I'll grow up in college. Ugh, hope not. |
rosesareblue (5) | tir-synni (54) |