Author has written 96 stories for Static Shock, Danny Phantom, Star Wars, Naruto, Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist, D.Gray-Man, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy X, Doctor Who, Avatar: Last Airbender, How to Train Your Dragon, Harry Potter, Merlin, Rurouni Kenshin, Legend of Korra, Rise of the Guardians, Nightmare Before Christmas, Graveyard Book, Grimm, Mulberry, Puella Magi Madoka Magica/魔法少女まどか★マギカ, Kingdom Hearts, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Trollhunters, My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア, Kimetsu no Yaiba/鬼滅の刃, Mistborn Trilogy, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Bourne series, Sherlock, and Noragami/ノラガミ.
Shows/Cartoons I love: Danny Phantom, Static Shock, Stargate SG-1, Teen Titans, Kim Possible (later seasons), Most of your Older Disney cartoons (Aladdin, Tail Spin, Rescue Rangers, Darkwing Duck etc...), NCIS, Dr. Who, Grimm, Miraculous Ladybug, Clone Wars,
Anime/Manga I like/Love: BLEACH, Tri-gun, Rurouni Kenshin, Fullmetal Alchemist, Fruits Baskets, Moribito: Guardian of the Sacred Spirit, Naruto, Shugo Chara, D. Gray Man, DNAngel, Skip Beat, Special A, Fairy Tail, Yu Yu Hakusho, Bakuman, Nurarihyon no Mago (Nura: Rise of the Youkai Clan), Kamisama Hajamimeshita, Othello, Sword Art Online, Otoman, My Hero Academia (Other Anime/Manga I have watched/read at least part of): Wolf's Rain, Claymore, Sayiuki, Kaicho-wa-Maid-Sama, Hetalia, Ranma 1/2, Inuyasha, Sailor Moon, Attack on Titan, Tokyo Ghoul, etc.
Movies: If it's PG-13 or below and well done, chances are I like it. Marvel, Star Wars
Books/series I love: Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Shannara (Terry Brooks), Dragonsong and Dragonsinger (Anne McCaffery), I liked Animorophs when I was younger, Myth Adventure Series, Phule's Company series, Star Wars, Lost Hero (Percy Jackson) series.
Video Games I like: Kingdom Hearts (I, II, BBB, DDD (much luv here)), Twisted Metal II, Final Fantasy (VII and X especially, although there is something to be said for the crazy clown guy who WON), Next Tetris, Tomb Raider I and II, Heretic, DDR... Board/card/word Games: Balderdash, Outburst, Trivia games, Scattergories, Chess (although I really stink at it), Boggle, Words with Friends, Encore, stuff like that. :D
Music groups/composers I like: Phil Collins, Savage Garden, Enya, Loreena McKennitt, Vivaldi, John Williams, any music made before 1760 AD and after 1100 AD, Chris Daughtry, Josh Groban, Heather Dale, Yoko Kanno, Daichi Miura, Buono!, BoA (well, her earlier Korean stuff), Michael Buble, Adele, Sara Barrallis, Celtic Women, John Mock, etc.
Weird stuff about me: I'm in my 30s and I still love cartoons. ;) I like to help people, I love to write (whoda thunkit?), draw and sing, and I tend to procrastinate.
Religion: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (aka Mormon). I love religions, they're fun. :D
Languages: English, Bad English, Jitter (fluent). ;) I know some basic conversational French and most of what I know of Japanese I learned from Anime...
I like to smile, sing, laugh, write, read, DRAW, paint, and basically create things. :D
Below, you will find fan fics that I plan on writing or have started writing. It's more or less a preview for future reference. I'd like to hear which ones people would like to see done.
Planned: Or Idea means it has yet to be put on paper -- No guarantee that it will be written.
First Draft: Just put on paper, but not posted -- No guarantee that it will be posted.
In Progress: Some chapters posted -- status so this will only be on actual stories I've posted on the site.
Complete: Finished (duh. ;P ) -- status so this will only be on actual stories I've posted on the site.
Hiatus: Currently Underway, but no chapters coming soon for one reason or another -- could be a status for both fics posted and not posted on this site.
Re-write: Currently being rewritten/revamped -- only on actual stories I've posted on the site.
One-shot: One chapter story, finished -- one-shots already posted will all be marked 'complete'.
Discontinued: The story will not be finished. All of these are up for adoption -- could be a status for both fics posted and not posted here.
NOTE: Planned and First Draft titles and summaries may be subject to change!
NOTE 2: The only summaries I will have on the profile will be ones I have not yet written/posted on the site.
NOTE 3: Any Danny Phantom story started before 2008 are all either discontinued, finished or in hiatus.
NOTE 4: Any links in the story notes or in this profile you will probably have to copy and paste in a new window or tab as still doesn't like hyperlinks.
Sequels and planned stories -- (In alphabetical order according to the fandom)
(Insert Name Here) Inter-dimensional Support Group -- Amalgamation of Fandoms -- First Draft
Inner Rage Monsters, Mad Scientists, Alternate Personalities we've seen so many of these throughout all of our favorite fandoms and they need to know that there are others like them out there! At least, that was what the pamphlet said.
Brain Over Brawn -- Attack on Titan -- First Draft -- Discontinued
Armin has seen many, many things over the course of his military career, but nothing could have prepared him for this. At first he thought it was a dream, after all how could it be real? He was in Shigenshina, just as he remembered it, whole and unmarred with no Titans in sight. It couldn't be real, right? He couldn't have somehow traveled back in time to his younger body with all of his future memories...back before everything started...right?
Robin Reborn -- Batman Beyond -- Planned
They've given Matt's and Terry's Mother six months to live through her terminal disease with aggressive, experimental treatments. Matt has only just started eighth grade and they don't have any relatives in Gotham, but he refuses to leave the city; determined to stay with her until the end. So now he's staying at Wayne Manor with his Brother. Problem is, Matt is naturally curious and defiant--just like his brother, and Wayne Manor holds many secrets.
Together We Stand -- Bleach -- Planned (Sequel to "Divided We Fall") --
Now in Hueco Mundo, Karin has to figure out a way to save her brother or eliminate the threat he represents permanently...
Visored -- Bleach -- Planned
How the Visored came to defeat their own demons while on the run from the only life they can remember.
14th's Proposal -- D. Gray Man -- In Progress -- Graphic Novel -- Hiatus
AU A different take on what might have been the 14th's thought process, and just what length's he's willing to go to accomplish his goals.
Page 1: http:///gallery/10328421#/d1zu22d
Asking Angel -- Doctor Who -- Planned
The Doctor steps off of the Tardis and right into a weeping angel, one who has come to ask for his help from an ancient enemy of their entire race. Note: The Doctor said that the Angels have the most perfect defense mechanism ever evolved, and I had to ask: Defense from what? What would scare an angel?
The Oldest Race -- Doctor Who -- Planned (Sequel-ish to Asking Angel)
The Doctor takes his newest companion to see the first race thought to have evolved in the universe--one that was wiped out from a plague before they discovered interstellar travel. What he finds is actually the strange and terrible monster that he ran into on his last encounter with the Weeping Angel, and he has to ask himself, just how many races has this being destroyed?
4 of a Kind -- X-over: Dr. Who, Bourne Ultimatum, Rurouni Kenshin, Tri-gun (Sequel to Sunglasses, Screwdrivers and Swords) -- First Draft
Due to their encounter with the strange alien in Japan, The Doctor and Jason find themselves being dragged through time by Kenshin Himura and end up on a strange desert planet, having to confront the intelligent Earth-based life forms that are not human.
I'll Get Back To You -- Final Fantasy VII -- First Draft
Tifa has the chance of going back in time and saving everything. The problem is, she wasn't deeply involved before she and Barrett re-started AVALANCHE. Can she make enough changes to save everyone's future? Or is she doomed to always watch from the background as those she loves make stupid decisions that could get them all killed?
Oops... -- Final Fantasy VII -- First Draft
Jenova decides enough is enough. They've been beaten too many times, so she pays the ultimate price to send her son back in time to destroy the world before most of the members of WRO could walk. So why is it that with no one to stop him from accomplishing his two (just two!) goals and his knowledge that he has real freedom for possibly the first time in his life that things are going so wrong? (Time Travel gone Wrong from the 'bad guy's' pov)
The Keyblade War -- Kingdom Hearts -- Idea
Just some ideas about what the Keyblade war of old might have been like. After all, those keyblades had to come from somewhere.
Inevitable Eventuality -- Miraculous Ladybug -- First Draft
Either you die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become a villain. As selfless as Marinette is, she's a survivor.
Prequels Redone -- Star Wars -- Idea
My rendition of what could have happened before 'A New Hope'. EPIC rewrite, Extremely AU (as in changing some of the ideas, a lot of the history and a bunch of the culture). Don't know if this one will ever get done.
Reverse Psychology (or The Other Side is Light) -- Star Wars -- First Draft
Just before Obi-wan and Qui-gon leave to go to the planet of Naboo to negotiate with the Trade Federation, a Jedi no one has ever seen before shows up claiming to be from another universe. His name? Cos Palpatine.
To Learn From Your Mistakes -- Star Wars -- Idea
Allanah Tel Ka has lived to see the Galaxy fall into chaos. Her people's planets have been destroyed, her family scattered, and most of the Galaxy is in ruins. She decides that enough is enough and makes a decision that may actually save the Galaxy--she will record the mistakes and the problems the Jedi Order has fallen to multiple times through flow-walking, and then she will do what no other Jedi has been able to do--send it back in time.
Consequences -- Star Wars: Rebels -- Idea
Geb said that going back for Ezra was a bad idea, that him getting captured would save them fuel and that the Empire would go easy on him because he's a kid. What if his argument actually swayed Kanan, and so they left Ezra--a Force-sensitive, highly resourceful street rat--to the Empire? Three years later, they have to face the consequences of that decision. (May be a series-of-one-shots fic)
Possible One Shots--
Motercycles and Souls do NOT mix -- Bleach -- First draft
Renji said that he and Hisagi sneaked a bike into the Seireitei. My one thought when I read that: that could not have ended well. This will be my rendition of what could have happened.
To Step Outside of Time -- Trigun -- Idea
When Vash stopped the Plant from exploding in episode 6, what actually happened? He was willingly stepping into the territory his ancestors had been practically bred for. Was he tempted to stay there? What did he see? Think? Feel? How does one step outside of time and then come back to it? And how long did he really stay there?
Collabs I'm involved in (Either we both write, or they write and I draw):
Bleached Christmas -- Bleach x A Christmas Carol -- Hiatus
Ichigo has one of those dreams again. This time, he's a miser who hates the world of both the living and the dead. Then three spirits are sent to snap him out of it--Bleach style.
Flash Photography -- Danny Phantom -- Posted -- Hiatus
For WingsofMorphius (Too long to figure…many, many pages)
Page 1 Link: http:///deviation/37622992/?qo=48&q=by3Aobi-quiet&qh=sort3Atime-in3Ascraps
Page 2 Link: http:///deviation/37623241/?qo=47&q=by3Aobi-quiet&qh=sort3Atime-in3Ascraps
Fate of the Phantom -- Danny Phantom -- Planned -- Hiatus
Katelyn Banshee (Even more pages than the one above…)
Dreams Within -- Danny Phantom x Final Fantasy X -- First Draft -- Hiatus
Danny is stuck in a world where dreams = power, especially dreams of the dead. As he is both alive and dead, he has the potential to be the most powerful being Spira has ever seen. Now if he could just use that power to try and find a way home...
(Currently Unnamed) -- Naruto -- Hiatus
Kushina's alive. She actually managed to live through the nine-tails being ripped out of her and watched as her husband died trying to save their son. It's taken her years to get over that and the fact that her family was killed that night. Still, they'd found another vessel for Kyuubi, somehow and she was no longer welcome in Konoha. Or so she was told. But when a familiar blond shows up and throws her world into chaos, she becomes a force to be reckoned with and the council of Konoha is going to learn that you never come between a Kunoichi and her child--especially one Uzumaki Kushina.
Blades of Blood -- Rurouni Kenshin -- Posted
Graphic Novel based on Vathera's "Blades of Blood".
Link: http:///art/blades-of-blood-Pg-1-324223597