Hi, I'm the Power Within,I live in the state of California and am an average student. I want to be a author so I'm practicing my writing skills on this site to see if the public likes them. Just so you know I don't exactly like flames but then again I'll listen to any coments or opinions anyone of my readers have. I really hope you enjoy my stories! Here are a few things about me: Gender: Male Likes: Reading, writing, video games, and computer games Dislikes: People who think there better than everyone else and picks on kids. Current Work: Presently I have only one story I'm working on: The Adventures of Falcon: The New Generation: My second story. I didn't enjoy my first one as well. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if Starfire and Robin had a kid? Several years have past and Starfire and Robin are married, and have a kid, and live in house near the ocean. Seems perfect no? Yeah right! Unfortunatly nothings perfect and good things don't last. The Teen Titans are over, it's time for the New Generation to take control! pWell, thats all Though the power may be hidden,it is still there like a snake about to strike |