Author has written 28 stories for Frasier, Lord of the Rings, and Silmarillion. Please let me know what you think--I'm always anxious for reviews. In regards to the personal, I'm a self-employed 38-year-old who, after both a brief foray into other fanfic & wishing for more ME tales, decided to be brave and try my hand at it myself. I am also crazy about books in general, music (even opera--yikes!), cooking, and all around living well. Does this make me a hobbit after all? :-) Just to let my many & kind readers know, I am planning a whole series of Eowyn stories based on "Snowdrops & Bluebells", as well as a group of Shire tales connected to my Frodo/Pearl stories. A number of planned works are listed below. Some of my work is also archived at the following fine sites: Henneth-Annum: http:// West of the Moon: http:// Stories of Arda: http:// The Trees Remember: http:///lotr/ The chronology of my stories: Multiage: The Pearls of All Oceans (forthcoming) 2nd Age: Ring of Fire And These Pearls that Were Her Eyes 3rd Age, Pre-Ring War: Nightingale's Song (forthcoming) The Finest of Vintages Last of the Summer Wine Child of My Heart Midsummer's Eve (forthcoming) Raspberry Wine A Pearl of Unexpected Price (in progress) Bubbles/Twilight 3rd Age, Ring War: Now I Needs Must Part (forthcoming) Lament for the Unsung Dead A Knot for Life Cover Him with Violets Snowdrops & Bluebells 3rd Age, Post-Ring War: A Spring Fair in Minas Tirith Capturing a White Queen Blessing the Garden A Few Lusty Hobbits and Some Crimson Joys (in progress) Stars in Their Courses (in progress) Red Roses, Golden Arrows The Smell of Mint A Perfect Pie West of the Sun, East of the Moon (on hold) Through a Glass, Darkly (forthcoming) 4th Age: A Whisper of Thunder A Black Lily for the Dead (forthcoming) Under an Old Oak Tree (forthcoming) Moonflowers (forthcoming) One Stray Curl What Grace is Given Us (forthcoming) Diamonds Sparkle in Sunshine To See the Dreaming Spires (forthcoming) Blackberry Wine (forthcoming) Milk and Honey (forthcoming) |