Author has written 49 stories for Dragon Ball Z, Transformers/Beast Wars, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, and G. I. Joe.
Writer, programmer, mudder, roleplayer, net.dinosaur, I never have enough time to do half of what I want to :-).
I have written in the following fandoms:
- Dragonball Z - my "What if Raditz was resurrected?" AU. DBZ has the densest collection of "dead people who won't stay that way" short of a zombie movie, and thus a great place for my morbid side to play. Note: some fics are, quite frankly, "museum pieces" that were written very early on, when I was going by the early dubs for info and wasn't that good a writer. So if you see something flagged "museum piece", you have been warned!
The Raditz Fics, in order
- Welcome to Hell, Son - a very moldy museum piece.
- Why? - a museum piece.
- Raditz's Return
- Mythic Descent
- Deceiver's Legacy
- Teenagers and Doors - Raditz vignette from years later.
Side Stories
- Why Me? - short addendum to "Why?"
- One Who Wronged Me - short featuring Gohan and Raditz
- Saiyan Son Lost - a Nappa story
- In Past Regrets - side-story to "Mythic Descent". Perhaps my 2nd or 3rd best short story to date.
- Van Vogt's Cat - Raditz short. My very best short story to date
- Yamucha's Student - spin-off novella featuring Yamucha, set between "Mythic Descent" and "Deceiver's Legacy"
- Transformers G1 - currently writing. As usual, I'm most interested in the morbid and dead guys, thus stories about Starscream, Dead End, and the casualties of TFTM
A quick list of some linked TF stories.
Duskwing Stories
- Stupidity in Blue, Redux
- Art Appreciation 101
- The Only Good Robot is a Dead Robot
- Dead and Drunk (a Dead End 28)
- Ghost Jets
- Art Depreciation (a Dead End 28; cameo only of "Stupidity in Blue")
- Bartending in the Dark (mentioned only)
- Compartment C-134
Favorite Dead End stories
- Angsty Dead End - (a Dead End 28) Sums up why the Stunticons are broken.
- The Rest of the Story - (a Dead End 28) The Deadster falls into a Clark Ashton Smith story
- Dead and Drunk - (a Dead End 28) See drunk Stunticon argue philosophy with a dead mech.
- Art Depreciation - (a Dead End 28) Dead End & Drag Strip: art reviewers!
- Stunticon Rally - crossover with BtVS.
The Charr Romance (slash/slash/slash!)
- Bring Flowers - Dead End/Starscream
- Get Well Soon - Dead End/Breakdown(/Starscream)
- Rebecca Hb.'s Jealous Breakdown
- Jealous Dead End - implied Dead End/Wildrider
- Happy Dead End - Stunticon orgy!
- Dominant Dead End - non-con Dead End/Starscream
Starscream (more slash!)
- Lines - Starscream & Skyfire drama
- The Message - Starscream & Skyfire drama
- Dead Mech Escape - Starscream/Octane
- Friends No Longer with Me... - Skyfire angst
- Lost and Found - Starscream & Skyfire angst
- Loss - Yet more Starscream & Skyfire angst
- Heart of Fire - Skyfire & Starscream angst
- Field Repairs - Starscream/Skyfire smut
- Midnight in the Himalayas - Skyfire/Starscream smut
- Survey Ship Visit - Skyfire & Starscream adventure
- Port Call: Cybertron - Starscream & Skyfire interlude
- Justice is Served - Starscream & Blitzwing adventure (Skyfire cameo)
- Revelations - Starscream & Skyfire angst (Blitzwing & Duskwing cameo)
- Wendigo's Bane - Starscream & Skyfire & Autobots adventure
The TF:TM Quad
- Cold Ride In - Blitzwing & Astrotrain
- Autobot Angels - the Autobot dead
- Up From Oblivion - Starscream
- Decepticon Ghosts - Skywarp & Thundercracker
Transformers:Prime - the finale of "Predacons Rising" grabbed me. The "Reconstruction" series is set after the end of "Predacons Rising", and spoils the hell out of it.
- Reconstruction: Decision
- Reconstruction: Aftermath