Author has written 16 stories for Harry Potter, and Discworld. Just a furry old buzzard who enjoys reading and writing Harry Potter fanfiction. I live in the Middle of the US, literally, as both geographical centers are within a few hours' drive; or in the state of insanity, take your pick. I have also lived in California, Wyoming, Florida, Nebraska (yes, where I is now) Arkansas, Alaska, North Carolina, South Dakota, Oregon, Texas, & a year in Korea thanks to the US Air Force... okay, so I have moved around a bit. It's called happy feet syndrome. A few of those I have lived in more than once, and most of those more than twice. But I have still never seen New England for some reason, even having been in or through over 40 states. Wierd! I keep forgetting to add this (but finally found the right 'round tuit): The little critter I'm holding in the picture is a baby alpaca about two hours old. My last ex and I farmed them and this little guy was, iirc, the second born on the farm. His name is Barrister (guess where that came from), though we called him Barry. He and his cohorts were some of the sweetest (and sometimes orneriest) animals I've ever been around. I really, really miss them and hope one day to have a couple or so of my own, since these rascals are in NC. Ah well, such is life... Much as I hate to admit it, I am disabled and have some health problems which from time to time inhibit my ability to write. I do keep working on stories as often as I can, so I appreciate your patience. I'm currently working on a rewrite of TII,IID-O which I hope to start posting soon. The basics of those first few chapters won't change, just mostly some minor cosmetic cleanup. I'm also adding a prologue and additional first chapter or possibly several to get the gang through first year. I have a lot of ideas to go on with it, which will include most of Troll, Troll in the Dungeon and Not Only No, But. Surprisingly, at least to me, those and this one are the most popular stories I've written. It was always my intention to use the Not Only... which now gives me a chance to make a slight change in cast. Frankly I dislike the character of Ron, as written in canon, so he's mostly out of this story. Sorry if you are a fan of his, but to me he was only a fair weather fan and extremely self-centered as well as very, very envious of what he perceives as Harry's advantages in life. Hope that is slightly clearer than mud. :cheeky grin: Thanks for reading. Vern PS TAKE NOTE OF THIS: IF YOU ARE TOO CHICKENS*T TO SIGN IN TO AN ACCOUNT, OR EVEN CREATE ONE, AND YOU LEAVE A NEGATIVE REVIEW, IT WILL BE DELETED POSTHASTE. IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE A LITTLE GIVE AND TAKE, KISS OFF; OR GO OUT AND BUY A SENSE OF HUMOR. GRAMMAR AND CANON NAZIS WILL RECEIVE THE SAME TREATMENT. Look, I'm a really nice guy most of the time, and seldom get too upset over stuff, but when you criticize a writer without bothering to read even the briefest of author's notes, you deserve to have what you have to say, stupidly for the most part, deleted. AMF! Please Note: I have removed GROWING UP GRANGER, at least for the time being, and moved it to the unfinished fics file called Dementia on Steroids. It is, unfortunately, unlikely I will ever return to finish that story as it was starting down a road too similar to one of my others. If I get inspiration at some later time on how to alter that, I may resurrect it, but that is a big IF. Sorry, if was one of your favorites of mine. |