Author has written 140 stories for Star Wars, Harry Potter, Stargate: SG-1, Farscape, Supernatural, Stargate: Atlantis, Haikyu/ハイキュー, Kuroko no Basuke/黒子のバスケ, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Voltron: Legendary Defender, and Batman. 10/25/2015 Guys, all of these links used to work. When I try to edit my profile, they still show as what I put in. It looks ff.n is no longer allowing links from profiles, just like they quit allowing links from stories, and then you couldn't even copy paste from stories. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. If you look up my works on AO3, archiveofourown (my name there is maychorian), you will find links in the author's notes. Also, my tumblr is maychorian, and you can try searching by the tags. The tag for Come Morning Light is cml, the tag for A Split-Second of Violence is split second, and there's a general tag, my stuff, for all the things that are my own. Also, you could try emailing ff.n to complain about this. I know it's an effort to keep down spam, but it's also disrespectful to the community. I wish everyone would just use AO3, honestly, it's a much better archive. 5/2/2015 Tumblr tag for Come Morning Light: CML 4/26/2015 Playlist for Come Morning Light: When Did the Sky Turn Black 1/11/2015 Tag for Crow and Crossbones extras: Crow and Crossbones 10/19/2014 Tag for collected Split Second fanart and stuff on my tumblr: Split Second 10/10/2014 Hinata and Stego-chan fanart: Stego-chan 5/9/14 I'm still working, still writing, still creating, just not always fanfiction. I'd still like to finish all of my incomplete fanfictions, but for now you can see what I'm doing at and YouTube. 12/2/13 Coming Down audio bonus. 10/11/13 Here is the YouTube Playlist for the soundtrack of Coming Down on a Sunny Day Books 3 and 4. There's other stuff on my YouTube channel that you might like, too. Such as the soundtrack for the first two books. 8/20/13 Hey, guys, I'm still writing. I'm currently working on the next part of Coming Down on a Sunny Day. My creative output has been increasing in leaps and bounds lately. If you'd like to check out my current non-fanfic projects, you can check my personal website. :) I'll be posting more fanfiction soon. Thanks! 8/20/08 Okay, so I've become much more multi-fandom now. Sorry! I still really want to finish all of my Obi WIPs, but lately all I can think about is Dean and Sam of Supernatural. It's a bit of a problem. You can follow my day-to-day struggles at my livejournal: http://. Friend me and I'll friend you back, because I am trusting and gullible. I try to post often, and usually attempt to be somewhat entertaining. I'm not keeping a diary, detailing what I ate for breakfast and how the weather was. I tell stories about my life, but they're supposed to be interesting to more than just me. (If they aren't, let me know.) I also have some little fics there that I haven't posted here because they don't seem worth the trouble. And I try to respond to every comment. JACKNDEAN! 'Verse in chronological order: Corner of Your Eye There's also this mental conversation about the JacknDean 'Verse, which you may find humorous: Everyone wants in on this sweet action. Entertaining Angels links: Dean and Castiel fanart, Soundtrack, Fanvid Chronological list of my Star Wars fics. Parentheses indicate unposted stories, and slashes indicate AU. Exclamation point stories are only at , yet, though I may post them here in the future. /The Unchosen/ |
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