Author has written 9 stories for One Piece, Spirited Away, Song of the Lioness, Gokusen, Bleach, Hunter X Hunter, Samurai Champloo, Maid Sama!, and Sekaiichi Hatsukoi. Updated on 09/28/13: To all you guys who hazarded a look at my page, well, hello to you! So instead of going to the hospital to do my stuff, I am here, writing again. It's such an addiction. I started writing fanfiction when I was like, 15 years old. To those of you who read my only One Piece fic, that was the first fanfic I wrote and I'm happy that it was well received (though now, when I read it, it feels so cheesy it kinda embarrasses me). I'm not a fast writer, unlike a lot of people I know. I keep reading, re-editing and rehashing stuff...and yet somehow there's always a glitch even after I post the final uploaded chapter. Pity, eh? But I enjoy writing...not only fanfiction, but also my own short stories. Even now. As a 25 year old medical student, I do take my studies seriously [sometimes]. That is the reason why I wasn't able to upload anything during the past few months; I was actually too busy at the hospital. I mean, I love med life! I love learning, and reading and helping my patients. Of course, I have other preoccupations, and this is one of them. So during free tims, or when inspiration strikes, I open up my laptop and type away. Sadly, my laptop got infected with a virus and I had to reformat everything. And with that, I lost all of my files including ebooks, journals, etc. That meant I also lost the previous chapters and outlines I've been making for the all the stories I've written, fanfic, stories and poetry included. Hence, I was thrown into a dry landscape of loss--the seemingly permanent drought of writer's block. Sad, no? But these days, I've found the strength to write again. And now I know that I really should make back-up files as a habit. So there. I may not upload and update fast. But I try. I will always try. Patience, please? :) Update as of 07/18/14: Hello, lovelies. I'm a bit stressed now due to our upcoming licensure exams but I promise to update when I can. I hope you continue to read and enjoy my active stories. Thank you! |
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