Author has written 1 story for Golden Sun. V01 Last Updated 10102Artist Information Nicknames: Jessie, Jess, J-kat, J-chan Likes: Angst, intelligent conversations, Neopets, cats, angst, Peace, Dani, Sakara, Firecomet, angst, video games, Final Fantasy, angst Notes: I’ve done my very best to organize this bio to where it’s ... semi-understandable; also, if you read any of my work, I request that you try your very best to review it. I nearly live off reviews, and I appreciate truthful, constructive criticism, either by the reviewing system or email. Shout-Outs (or Shameless Plugs)(These are, believe it or not, organized. The individual’s nickname is first, followed by their pen-name – if, of course, that applies.) ~ P-chan (Peace) ~ Past – Abandoned works. Feel free to grieve, but don’t take any of the ideas. ^.~ -- Past -- Rival: What promised to be a lengthy 'fic on what would happen if Eric were fatally injured in the crossfire between Amy and the organization. Vague Insanity: A short – yet weird – look inside my favorite character’s mind. It was very angsty, yet badly written, for I remember being sick that day; thusly, it had to die. -- Present -- Mistaken, chapter two: [Under Construction] Return to Childhood: A very strange, humorous mini'fic, written as a gift for one of my friends. Upon her decision that Reiu is far too depressed to be "mentally healthy," Jane takes matters into her own hands – what results can only be described as pure, utter chaos. Broken: When Jane "kidnaps" most of her friends and room-mates to go visit her aunt in Cinnabar, she leaves Reiu home to babysit Xander. Unfortunately, this just adds to his severe depression. -- Future -- Blood Among the Roses: When a massive war strikes the fragile continent of Anoshiro, the tiny town of Kirai is nearly wiped off the map; nearly everyone either deserted the site for some other, more pleasant location, or they are killed in the various skirmishes that took place. Even after the war, people preferred to avoid the town – save for two teenagers, brother and sister, orphaned in the war. Stars of Azure, chapter three: [Under Construction] ContactYes, as you may have guessed, I absolutely love random emails and IMs! Feel free to send me comments, constructive criticism, or if you just want to chat. ^-^ But please, make sure to note that you’re from in your message – otherwise, you may be ignored, or your email deleted. |
deleted account (0) Farla (175) Firecomet257 (0) | Lightning-Strike (16) MistyMew (10) Peace (0) | Sakara Taryn (0) |