![]() Author has written 13 stories for Street Fighter, Static Shock, Biker Mice From Mars, Ninja Turtles, G. I. Joe, Pirates of the Caribbean, and CSI: New York. I'm a gypsy by nature, so I move around quite a bit. As such, I've had a variety of jobs and dreams. I've given up on my dream to become a published author. It's not a matter of whether or not I have the talent, it's just... I don't see it as a viable means of making a living anymore. Not when so many people and publishers are turning to electronic format, and I know first hand how easy that is to rip off. So! I'm going to continue being a gypsy, going from home to home and job to job, all the while posting my stories here and at fictionpress.com. My penname there is summerstarr, and you can find me here: http://www.fictionpress.com/u/7295/ . Check me out if you’re interested. And, if you are, I have a request. For all the people that favorite something without ever leaving a review... Why? Why do that? Like all other authors out there, I like to know when I’m doing something right and when I’m getting it all wrong. Personally, I like to know WHY people like my stories: if it's the dialog, the interaction, the plot, a specific scene, etc. Feedback helps me improve. I have been writing fanfics since I was 18, and that was in the late 90's. So, I've had some practice at the trade. I don't keep a lot of my old stuff up for very long, as I don't want to spot light my old writing style. In fact, I have recently taken down a very long epic fic, entitled "Uses and Gratificatoins", and I will be re-writing it. I couldn't finish it as it was, so I thought to take it down to tweak it enough so that I could, eventually, finish it. However, once I started re-reading it I realized that I (sadly) would have to completely rewrite most of it. This is going to require more effort than I originally hoped for, but... maybe with hard work I will be able to craft it with more skill and finesse and maybe, maybe, even finish the thing. A while back, I joined an Lj community known as fanfic100 and I chose Virgil/Richie, and it took me seemingly forever to finish it. During that time, I asked that they take me off their list so that others could volunteer for the pairing. Fortunately, they did. However, me being such a Type A personality, I wanted to finish this project regardless. And I did. If you are interested in it, you can check it out on my homepage, which is actually my Lj. Finally, a To-Do list of things that I want to complete sometime within my lifetime. Fannish Variety ~ Uses and Gratifications (Justice League & Static Shock crossover) – Multi-chaptered, Slash. ~ Untitled World War II Static Shock fic, multi-chaptered, slash. ~ Untitled Steam Punk Static Shock fic, multi-chaptered, slash or gen. ~ Untitled Aveyond: Rhen’s Quest fic, single-shot, slash. ~ POTENTIAL Untitled Heroes/Law&Order:SVU crossover, multi-chaptered, slash. ~ POTENTIAL Untitled The Sentinel/TMNT crossover, multi-chaptered, slash. ~ POTENTIAL Untitled Criminal Minds/Predator crossover, multi-chaptered, slash. Original: (which can be found on fictionpress.com) 8 stand alone stories 1 Universe with 7 stories – Urban Fantasy 1 Universe with 4 stories – Epic, traditional fantasy |