Author has written 1 story for Naruto. 'Where you can find me' Ao3: Fflurion Email: yinaliu99@ gmail. com Twitter: AA_Tonic I assume this is were I write I whole lot of stuff to make you read my fictions... Sorry to disappoint. I don't know what to say, really. Okay, I could write some simple things about myself. Guess that'll do. My friends claim I am whimsical, cynical, somewhat jaded and most often unbearable smart mouthed. I say I am realistic and truthful... That is when I'm not deliberately cruel. You see, I don't like stupid people, and I am certainly not one of the most patient human beings around. Instead of blowing up, I become cold, calculating and picks the irritating person apart by words. Let it be said that I have a better vocabulary and better grammar in my native language. So, why I am at all posting something here? Weeell, to alleviate boredom. It is as simple as that. We have a lot of snow and steep hills where I live, and snowboarding is one of my hobbies. Add a rock, a jump, a small error in judgement and a tree into the equation, and the result is some broken bones and bed-rest. Usually I read when I am bored, but seeing as that is what I usually do when bored, and I mean I read a lot; I have read every book I have, and I am a frequent visitor at the library, I do have a problem. I write as well, though most of that is short philosophical essays or poems. In my own language, and I am bored enough to need a challenge. I should also inform anyone interested that I don't own any of the characters, or the Naruto universe, and don't make anything out of this. It is for fun, and to have something to take my mind of my incredible boring ceiling. And wall. Don't forget the wall. A sporadic writer who can't stick to one story at all. Shy about posting which results in way too many unfinished stories growing like mould in the corners of my computer. Write to relax, hope for the best, and every now and then, break down over a fictional character's pain. Read at your own peril and please be kind. That's it from me. Heh, ended up being quite a bit after all! ''Fanfiction is what literature might look like if it were reinvented from scratch after a nuclear apocalypse by a band of brilliant pop-culture junkies trapped in a sealed bunker. They don't do it for money. That's not what it's about. The writers write it and put it up online just for the satisfaction. They're fans, but they're not silent, couch-bound consumers of media. The culture talks to them, and they talk back to the culture in its own language.' —Lev Grossman, TIME |