Author has written 4 stories for Xiaolin Showdown, Sonic the Hedgehog, Star Fox, and Total Drama series. Hi! My Personal Info: Name: David Owen Mason II My Supported Couples: Danny Phantom American Dragon: Jake Long Kim Possible Inuyasha Sonic Mario Crossovers Lao Shi (AD:JL)/Ah Mah (TL&ToJL) (the new episode may do something, but until then, they will be good together.) Also, I have a three-chapter rule for myself: I don't post any story until I have at least three chapters done (unless it's a one-shot or a two-shot), so you may not see a lot of stories from me. Just another FYI for all of you: my writing style differs where if characters cut a word off, it reads as you were pronouncing it. (As seen in "Sonic Mach" where Rouge said "Station Squeh--" instead of "Station Squa--" or something; my reasoning? You don't spell a word to pronounce it, now do you?) |