Ok so I am new to writing this fanfiction stuff and I LOVE reading it too lol. But I welcome any constructive criticism and will block anyone who decides to be an a$$ to me for anything supposedly poorly written. If you don't like it then find something else. I also have a job and a family to take care of and won't have a set schedule or anything to update as much as you all would like, so bare with me. I love to write and hope that I can make people enjoy everything I write. Now I love Harry Potter and Twilight but not the movies. Granted they were ok but i think Robert Pattinson and Kristin Stewart were horrible choices for Bella and Edward. And the books were a bit better though I didn't quite like Bella's character, she was too...well...desperate and boring and willing to be with the "cool" crowd so to speak. I like people who are unique and stand out. I love the supernatural and how people who are perceived as horrible or dark actually try to make the world a better place and keep traditions alive as well as family values. Now When I write I tend to stick to my own imagination and spin a whole new story line while sometimes sticking to the plot of the original story. I love writing slash as well so I advise readers to make sure it is something they can handle before continuing. There are usually two sides to someone's story and when things are written no one ever stops to think, hmmm...what made this person like that? The answer to that is that depending on circumstances and events that happen in one's life will undoubtedly shape them for either the worst or best of them. A lot of people give in to their darker natures because it's so much easier. To push others away but hoping they will stay, to wish that you didn't think or say horrible things but do it anyways. To feel like you are drowning in a crowd and no one can see you. Sometimes you think people understand you when they really can't or won't. It's not that easy but when you do manage to find the right people, they will bring you back from the depths of despair. As dramatic as that sounds I know how it feels, and I know that so many others feel it to. I still choose to believe that we will eventually find the one's meant for us no matter what. My writings consist of tragedy and overcoming it, none of my characters will always be alone and there is always a second chance if one decides to take it. My favorite characters are usually the ones that suffer the most lol. Favorite Pairings: Harry Potter Harry/Hermione Harry/Neville Harry/Seamus Harry/Daphne Harry/Draco Harry/Jasper Harry/Edward Harry/Luna Harry/Tom (Voldemort) Harry/Lucius Harry/OC Harry/Remus Harry/Sirius Harry/Blaise Harry/Theo Harry/Jacob/Edward Harry/Jasper/OC Harry/OC/OC Favorite Pairings: Twilight Jasper/Harry Jasper/OC Jacob/OC Jacob/Harry Leah/Harry Seth/Neville Paul/Hermione Paul/Luna Paul/OC I will also be writing in some creature fics because I think it would be AWESOME to be able to turn into something else. There will be a lot of mix relationships too as well as same sex relationships. I believe that love is love to an extent, there are some things that I won't condone but I will not tell you because I don't need any debates or people trying to get onto me for any contradiction I may pose. I know that I am pretty much a walking talking contradiction and if you knew me personally then you would understand. But I do try to be a good person and I try to make people happy all the time, it is something that I love doing. Here are some quotes that I love to keep in mind: ~Our greatest glory, is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall.~ Confucius ~Observe good faith and justice towards all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all.~ George Washington ~Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted: the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most that has made it possible for evil to triumph.~ Haile Selassie ~Neither a wise man nor a brave man lies down on the tracks of history to wait for the train of the future to run over him.~Dwight D. Eisenhower |