Author has written 90 stories for Harry Potter, Mechwarrior/Battletech, Star Wars, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Buffy X-overs, Dresden Files, Warcraft, Codex Alera, Dragon Age, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry, and Legend of Dragoon. So, after so many years on here, I figured it was time for a name change. Yes, dearlings, I'm no longer under Saerry Snape. Terion is the name I've been going by for the last several years online so it seemed like it was time to put this up to date with the rest of the web world. I will also no longer be posting new stories here. Nor will I be editing any stories here. Ever. No matter how many times reviews are left suggesting that I should edit things that are more than a decade old. It's just not worth my time to edit them. You can find me, instead, at AO3 as Terion or my Tumblr (terioncalling). Everything currently posted here will remain, so have no fear of losing anything. |
AriaAdagio (18) Bliss (0) Chaya (0) Constantine1453 (0) Dauphin (0) DeBrabant (70) Errant Knight (1) EstelWolfe (17) Ezzie (7) Farseeker (10) | JA Baker (294) Jess J (153) Kaos Incarnate (2) Kenya Starflight (71) Kitriana (3) Lizbeth Marcs (20) mackillian (10) Mimsical Dream (0) Mistress Nika (40) Ms Katonic (16) | Ms. Snape (3) Oldwickedsongs (66) Orionna Aurora (1) rangermike (2) Ravenclaw42 (36) redcognito (54) Scott Ferguson (0) Secretive Chi X (194) Severitus (8) White Wolf1 (59) |