![]() Author has written 36 stories for Power Rangers, Harry Potter, and NCIS. UPDATE February 2025 Since some time last year, I've been repeatedly contacted via PM by people (sometimes from various accounts, but with the same User ID number), offering to do artwork for/based on my stories -- "at reasonable fees". This included offers for e-book covers, or even for turning my fics into whole comic strips/graphic novels. Not only is this probably quite illegal, especially with regards to fanfiction (a grey zone for copyrights anyway), I also have absolutely no interest in such a venture. Thanks, but no thanks. Also, not just "no", but HELL, NO!!! I have already communicated this practice (with links to their profiles and copies of their messages) to Fanfiction.net's support services; no idea whether it'll do any good, but I'm sick and tired of getting these solicitations (because that's what it is), and will continue to do so with any further attempts. So, to everyone who thinks of contacting me with such an offer again? DON'T. Or in simpler words of just one syllable, FUCK. OFF! (And no, in this instance, I'm not apologizing for my language. #sorryNotsorry.) And if this happened to any of you who are reading this? Do all of us who post here a favor and report these persons as well. You'll find the address to the site's support system under the "Help" link at the bottom of the page. Copy the PM text into the message, and give the reply link and/or profile link. Maybe if more people do this, it'll eventually stop the scammers. (JANUARY 2023) Name change ... I've finally gone and done it! Well, turned out "soon" was overly optimistic. My apologies. Over time, I've tried several spelling variants of "germankitty", all to no avail and with the same reason "username already taken". And for some reason, it never occurred to me until today just to add a number ... what should I blame it on? A blonde moment? Early onset Alzheimer's? Sun spots? Too much Diet Pepsi? Whatever. So, from now on I'll be germankitty66 here, and just plain germankitty everywhere else. Easy, right? Please remember, and see you next fic! I'm a female writer from Germany* who's almost old enough to have given birth to all of the juvenile Harry Potter actors, as well as most of the MMPR Ranger actors; this most likely means I'm old enough to be (or am possibly older than) your mother; deal with it! ;-) My general interests include reading, reading, some arts & crafts, watching TV, cooking and READING ... erm, did I mention I love reading? It's mostly sf/fantasy and historical novels for books, although I've also been known to grab a Tom Clancy or W.E.B. Griffin novel from time to time. I started writing fanfiction back in pre-internet days, in the late 1970s. Back then, it was what's now called Star Trek: TOS -- the original series, with Kirk, Spock and McCoy, and yes, it was the Slash Mothership, aka K/S (for Kirk/Spock. All you newbies who came on board with the 2009 Star Trek reboot, welcome, but I'll feed you to a tribble if you ever call it "Spirk" or something equally horrendous in my presence. This is not a threat; it's a promise.) Anyway, I wrote one story that was published in a printed fanzine, and did some calligraphy for poetry by various authors. Jump forward to the early 1990s, when my son got me into the original Power Rangers, specifically MMPR/PR Zeo. This is also when I started posting here as well as on a couple of fandom-dedicated websites. I made some great friends in that fandom, relationships that reached into RL, and I'll be forever grateful to have met these people. Around the Millennium, my son switched from PR to Harry Potter and took me along. This defection was speeded up in 2016 by the untimely death of my best friend in the fandom, fellow author Mele (look up her fanfics here: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/130914/Mele -- you won't regret it!). Made more friends there, had a terrific time in all the varied communities on Livejournal, but the end of the saga eventually led to me searching out "new fandoms and new ships", to paraphrase a defining quote from back in my Star Trek days. :-) Somehow, I landed in the NCIS franchise; I've been a fan since the backdoor pilot in JAG, back in 2003, but didn't get involved in the fandom for at least 10 years. However, NCIS seems to be a veritable breeding ground for crossovers -- something I'd barely even looked at before -- and am enjoying the even greater possibilities of letting the characters play with and in more of my favorite TV series. I'm writing again, and have started to dabble in artwork (a somewhat grandiose term for rather basic photoshopping), for story banners and such. The genre I'm primarily writing in is romance/drama, with a few gen fics strewn in; if you're looking for action/adventure, I'm not the right author for you :-). I love exploring the characters, their motivations, and what drives them. I've also shifted from mainly writing adult (NC-17) fiction to more general storylines; not that I've completely abandoned the sexy shenanigans, but after over 40 years as a reader and writer, it's just not that gripping or important anymore. And anyway, I've always been most interested in the characters and how they relate to each other and/or the world around them. I've also written two collaborations in the PR fandom, one with the excellent Cmar -- Strangers In Red -- that links both her "Turns In The Road" Wes/Eric slash series with my own Jason/Tommy story "More Than Friends And Brothers". The other one was done with the equally brilliant Cheryl Roberts -- Seasons To Remember -- a Tommy/Kim, Jason/Kat romance explaining that annoying Zeo Christmas Episode of the same title to our liking. :-) Please check them out, and if you like, leave a review? Please? Oh, one more word of warning: I'm the wrong person to look for if all you want are quick reads; my writing tends to be more on the epic (= long) scale. Anyway, enjoy -- and feedback is always appreciated. ;-) |