Author has written 49 stories for Pitch Black / Riddick, Movie X-overs, X-Men, X-Men: The Movie, Ultimate Marvel, Harry Potter, Misc. Movies, Evangelion, Vertigo, Spider-Man, Firefly, A song of Ice and Fire, and Stargate: Atlantis. Current Fandoms: - The Walking Dead (comic & tv series) - George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones Former Fandoms that occasionally remind me how it felt to love: Avatar: the Last Airbender - X-Men (comicverse & movieverse) - Harry Potter - Firefly - Underworld - Marvel Comicverse - Pitch Black/Chronicles of Riddick Any other fandoms are incidental. I don't write very often, and when I do the results are mostly short, quasi-introspective vignettes. Mostly. On occasion plot happens! Spooky. Most everything I've written is archived here:http:///users/nonanu |
Ardath Rekha (1) Atiaran (59) einfach mich (40) | Lady Cleo (31) Lokaia (64) mamfa (11) | Mistiec (44) Praxid (9) Solain Rhyo (96) |