Author has written 62 stories for Harry Potter, King Arthur, Supernatural, Moonlight, Firefly, Being Human, Leverage, and Person of Interest. Hello fellow fanfic readers/writers. I've been writing on and off on this site for several years now. On the plus side I've "met" many lovely people, (hopefully) learnt a lot from those who have been kind enough to share their writing tips with me, read many fantastic stories and have generally had a great time writing and sharing my (usually daft) fics with FFNet. On the downside... Well I wish I had more free time to indulge my fanfic addiction. I read fics on here for a long while before I plucked up the guts to post anything, so for anyone worried about "taking the plunge" go for it - the vast majority of people on here are friendly and willing to help out if you get stuck or are nervous. 04/08/2012 The "M" rated chapters for "Something Borrowed, Something Blue" and "Gone" can be found here: http:///POI/browse.php?type=recent To anyone waiting for "Winters Song" I'm sorry but I have an utter blank with regard it at the moment. I know how annoying it is when fics aren't finished believe me. Everything to do with the "Chosen" AU I'm done with, but anyone is most welcome to play with it. 15/02/2012 (More beautiful eye-candy courtesy of TheSaintlikeWeasley who has made a lovely banner for "Llynya's Song" http:///?qh=ion=&q=llynya#/d4ckxj0 And another gorgeous one for "Faithless" http:///?order=5&q=faithless#/d4crc6a 18/09/2011 The very clever Lee Mayfair Has made beautiful banners for "Llynya's Song": And "Chosen" Nothing like eye-candy to brighten up a rainy sunday :) 22/08/2011 "Elephants" has been nominated for Best Parker Based Fic in the Fulcrum Awards; Thanks very much to whoever nominated me - totally unexpected. There's lots of brilliant Leverage fics on there if you are a Leverage fic junkie like me :) "Winter's Song" is still going and I should have the next chapter up in a couple of days. 20/06/2011 "Chosen" is finished and has some lovely banners created by Symphonia-Angel-Luna here: The first installment of "Chosen Aftermath" is up. It's just going to be bits and pieces when I come up with an idea rather than a proper story. (I consider it an open AU, so if anyone wants to play in that particular sandbox then they are welcome to). "Winter's Song" is back up and running. 31/02/2010 Symphonia-Angel-Luna has made some lovely banners for Chosen: http:///art/Arthur-and-Guinevere-Chosen-154746742/ http:///art/Chosen-Background-154745691/ And Hansel and Gretel Redux: http:///art/Hansel-and-Gretel-Redux-Banner-154938733 13/02/2010 The lovely and talented Symphonia-Angel-Luna very kindly offered to make some banners for the Llynya's Song, Faithless and Fragile trilogy, and a brilliant job she did at it too. If you'd like to see how I pictured Llynya, Lucy and Rowan then why not have a look? Llynya's Song http:///art/Llynya-s-Song-BackGround-153913935/ Faithless http:///art/Faithless-Background-153914079/ Fragile http:///art/Fragile-Background-153914203/ Galahad and Kyrie http:///art/Galahad-and-Kyrie-154111940/ Castiel's "User's Guide " is now up up on the Supernatural User's Guide series. I'm not sure that I'm going to do any other characters, but if anyone else wants to take the idea and run with it then go ahead ( I got the idea from a couple of Lord Of The Rings fics that I now can't find.) "Winter's Song" and "Beyond the Veil" are on hiatus at the moment. Sorry to people who have been reading them, I'll probably get back to them after "Chosen" is finished, but there won't be any updates soon. Fairytale series is finished - if you want to use the idea then you're welcome to it (although if you don't mind I'd love to read someone else's fairytales, so drop me a line if you don't mind sharing). I sort of pinched the idea off Neil Gaiman's twisted version of Snow White in his "Smoke and Mirrors" anthology - go read it if you haven't, it's awesome. Story Indexes: Because it's confusing when writing a lot of different OC's here's a brief explanation of who the characters in "Chosen" are. Chosen wiki “Knights” Uther Castus: Died aged 61 (was married to Igraine who died in an IRA bomb when Lancelot was a child). Very well respected colonel in the army Lancelot: 29. Born Buckinghamshire. Thrown out of Harrow and two subsequent schools for drinking and drugs. Walked away from his family and spent most of his twenties as a junkie/party boy, with sporadic attempts to get clean usually helped by his brother. Accidently got caught up in heroin sting when his girlfriend (Alison, also a user) persuaded him to drive her to meet some “friends“. Police moved in, shots were fired, and Lancelot was knocked out by one of the dealers who planted a gun on him. Lancelot got 12 years at Samartia prison - Served 6 months. Didn’t tell Arthur about it until there was nothing he could do to help. Chippy, bit self-loathing. Loves his brother but is intimidated by him and ashamed of past events. Not afraid to risk his life Arthur Castus:.35. Born Buckinhamshire. Harrow then Oxford uni (political science). Joined the army as his father had done. Rose gradually through the ranks. Tried to help his brother especially after their father’s death, but Lancelot pushed him away. Has no real interests beyond duty, but is idealistic and fair. Tristan Kelly: 38. Born Sheffield. Basic schooling, always preferred the outdoors. Abusive home life bit of a loner. Got job as a game keeper at the McBride estate in his mid twenties and loved it. Fell in love with and married Isolde, the local librarian. One son, Anthony. Lord McBride died, son took over the estate. Became obsessed with Isolde and raped her with the help of two of his friends. Tristan interrupted them and fought. Panicking they knocked him out and killed Isolde and the boy because he would stop screaming. Set fire to the house to cover their tracks. Tristan returned to find his home on fire and family dead. Grabbed his gun and slaughtered the men at the house then waited quietly for the police to turn up. Sentenced to life imprisonment Only served a couple of weeks. Bors: 40. Born London. Straight into the army after school where he stayed for 20 years before leaving and setting up a building business with his cousin. Common law wife - Vanora, 3 children Gilly (13), May (11) and Sarah (8). Also one child that he doesn’t know about Billy (1). Convicted paedophile molested May but due to his father being a judge the man got off. Came back to threaten May again. Bors found out and with Dagonet went to warn him off. Things got out of hand and the man fell after being punched and died. Vanora took the kids to Spain where her sister lives after Bors got 20 years for murder (served 1). Didn’t tell him she was pregnant when she left. Dagonet: 42. Born London. Straight into the army, left when Bors did to set up building business. Married once to Sarah when he was in his 20’s. She died after 8 years of marriage from breast cancer. Sentenced to 10 years for accessory to murder (served 1). Accepted as the leader of the group before Arthur. Gawain 30. Born Bristol, did ok in school. Went on to do a college course in engineering and then got taken on as an apprentice by a local mechanic. After a few years bought out the owner when he retired and expanded the business, mainly dealing in fitting up long distance lorries. One firm he dealt with also dabbled in human trafficking unknown to him and used Gawain as a scapegoat when the police moved in. Sentenced to 12 years for human trafficking (served 3 months). Had girlfriends before but nothing serious. Laid back, a bit of a romantic. Galahad: 26. Born Bristol. Mother a junkie in and out of prison. Flipped between foster homes, grew up angry and rebellious, skipped a lot of school. Caught by Gawain when he tried to steal his motorbike when he was 16. Gawain made him help out after school in return for not calling the police. Took him under his wing and trained him as an apprentice and eventual partner. They Share a bachelor flat. Has had Girlfriends but nothing serious. Sentenced to 6 years for his part in the human trafficking (served 3 months). "WALL STAFF” Jols: 40. Arthur’s assistant. Also in charge of issuing weapons to his men and some day to day admin. Burgess: 55. Incharge of the armoury. Ex roadie. Lt. Simon "sunny" Alba: Driver, old school friend of Arthur's. Alice Tremain: 23. Dark hair blue eyes, curvy. Born Leeds, art student. Lost all family to the virus. Came to the wall when the refugees were rounded up. Doesn’t like being a serving girl because of the dangers, but more afraid of being sent back to the camp where conditions are worse. Kate: 32. Blonde brown eyes, tall and slim. Born London, used to be an interior designer. Fiancee and family died in the ourbreak. Taken to the wall with other refugees. Sometime whore to Germanius who threatens to send her back to the camp or worse if he doesn’t do what he wants. Friends with Alice and doesn’t want the same thing happening to her. PICTS” Found in Dene forest. Merlin: 68. Professor at Cambridge teaching English mythology. Fell in love with a student (Natalie) 25 years his junior and was asked to leave his post. Became interested in the end of the world and joined a band of survivalists who foreshadowed the Tx virus after Natalie died in a car accident. Learnt to survive and fight with both modern and old fashioned weapons - especially bows and spears. Believes that a new age is coming and that the Saxons must be defeated, but is wary of the military. Guinevere: 22. Home schooled, travelled a lot when she was younger. Initially resentful of her childhoods lack of roots, the Tx virus meant that she had to re-examine everything he had told her and she had dismissed. Very independent. Hates Saxons as they have attacked their camp before and slaughtered her friends. Skilled with a bow, but just as happy with a rifle if there is enough ammo to go around. Zara Taduz: 89. Traditional Romany. Used to tell fake fortunes on Blackpool pier but has true second sight. Found Merlin before the virus spread and told him what would happen. Is aware of Arthur and knows he holds the key to defeating the Saxons Han: 45. Chinese. Explosives expert. Tacitern but very good at his job. Sarah: 39. Blonde. Nurse. Sacha: 35. Blonde. Nurse, partner to Sarah. General Honorius: Commander of Greenhead base, friend to Germanius. Fulcinia: Honorius's maid. Llynya's Song/Faithless/Fragile An insanely long oc cast list for my King Arthur trilogy. Here be spoilers, but given the amount of OC's that are in it, hopefully this is useful as a reminder of who's who. Aethel: A Woad Scout. Aldred: Dynadan‘s successor. Alyce: Rowan’s sister. Anni: Danny’s brother. Balan: Half witted but kind hearted friend to Tauleas. Branda: Female werewolf with dreams of power. Mate of Cynwulf. Brennus: Notoriously grumpy but skilled healer. Brigid: Hengist’s sister. A powerful witch and ex-lover of Merlin, leader of the “Ingheaw Andagha” (daughters of fire). Cassie: Friend/sometimes romantic interest to Lucan. Lives at Hadrians Wall with her father. Charlotte: Minxy daughter to Dynadan. Cynwulf: Werewolf. Mate to Branda, brother to Wulfstan. Danny: Lucy’s brother. Trained as a farrier and left Hadrian’s Wall before the battle. Dayan: Woad and personal guard to Guinevere. Dickon: A butcher at Hadrian’s Wall. Dynadan: Head of Avebury village and father to Charlotte. Eadgyth: A Woad scout. Personal guard to Guinevere. Eight: Vanora’s ten year old daughter. Eleanor: Danny and Anni’a daughter. Elrich: A guard at Hadrian’s wall. Fridolf: Former leader of ther werewolf pack (deceased). Githa: Hengist’s wife. Former member of the Daughters Of Fire. Hengist: Married to Githa, son in law to Merlin. Isola: Childhood friend of Guinevere. Now married and living in isolation with Osric, a Saxon. Isolde: Tristan’s hawk. Kyrie: Reluctant and failed prostitute. Stayed to help the wounded after the battle at Badon Hill and is now employed by Vanora. Lark: Tom’s dog. Llynya: Gawain’s wife. Now works with Vanora. Lynette: Housekeeper at Hadrian’s Wall. Louisa: Tom’s sister, runs a tavern in Avebury. Lucan: Rescued with Guinevere from Marius’ dungeons and still close to the queen. Lucy: Tavern waitress and terrible cook. Osric: Saxon who is now happily married to Isola. Rowan: Recently orphaned seamstress. Travelled to Hadrian’s wall with her sister, Alyce in hope of finding a better life. Shay: Tristan’s horse. Shona: Tauleas’s lover and friend to Balan. Taran: Gawain and Llynya’s son. Tauleas: Roman boy who lived at the fort beside Avebury. Tibor: Brennus’ apprentace. Tom: Old friend of Arthur’s. Used to live in Rome and train horses, but after losing his wife left the country and is now a somewhat reclusive hunter. Three: Teenaged son to Bors and Vanora. Two: Teenaged son to Bors and Vanora. Wulfhere: Nephew to Merlin, son of Githa and follower of Brigid. Wulfstan: Leader of the werewolf pack and brother to Cynwulf. Best wishes and happy writing to anyone who has stumbled upon this profile. May your muses be loquacious and your typing swift : ) Down,down, down into the darkness of the grave --Edna St. Vincent Millay |
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