Author has written 8 stories for Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl, Avatar: Last Airbender, and Yu-Gi-Oh. UPDATE 4/16/23: Shadows Part 2—The majority of major final edits are done, and chapters will begin releasing most likely in early May. My tentative hope at the moment is to release two or so chapters a week (possibly sometimes three) and be finished by August or September, but that may be decided more by how the final pass of minor edits goes, we'll see. Before that will be a short new Avatar story, A Matter of Honor, telling Zuko's Banishment from Azula's perspective. (While it's not technically a Shadows story, you can assume it's compliant with Shadows, and may be tangentially related thematically in some ways to Shadows 2.) In any case, always such a major milestone bringing a project up to completion enough to finally share it. Shadows has had quite a few obstacles along the way, but it's exciting to be at this point. To those readers who've stuck around this long, thank you so much, and I hope you'll enjoy it! (As a side note, if you've noticed you've stopped receiving notifications from authors you follow or for pms or reviews, you might need to go into your Account Settings menu and check the box allowing the site to send you email notifications. The setting to receive emails now defaults to not allowing them, and requires opting in every six months.) Thank you all so much again, looking forward to getting started. Update 9/16/22: Hey all! I know I went quite a while without much activity on this account, so I want to do a bit of an overview on where I’m currently at with each project, and what to expect: Emissary of Darkness—This project, after many years, is finally officially complete. This was one of my first major writing projects as a new writer, and I had long wanted to bring it to its conclusion. Thanks so much to all of you who have stuck with me over the years, as well as new readers picking it up now, this project was a journey in so many ways. Thank you again, and hope you’re able to enjoy the final chapters! Noble Heart—I’ve been working on the latest chapter, Chapter 15, and plan to get it posted soon. This is a major one with a lot of tricky moving pieces, so it will be nice to finally have it down. I have also done some other sporadic work on this project, but unfortunately not enough to get back toward a more regular active work and post schedule, so that chapter will be all for the time being. However, I will still be hoping to eventually start getting background work done little by little over time, we’ll see how it goes. [Edit 9/23/22: Should be up now!] Shadows—I have gone through and made edits to Part 1, streamlining a few things, and I also completely rewrote the epilogue. (I’d recommend anyone still interested in this series to reread the epilogue at some point, as I changed several of the events entirely that will affect the story going forward.) While Part 2 is still not in any shape to be close to posting, I did finally get through writing the full second draft, which I had been stuck on for a while. Things are moving forward, if slowly. Path of Storms—A new story, an Avatar AU about how things might have gone if Katara had chosen to kill Yon Rha at the end of The Southern Raiders. This was a What-if type side project I used as a springboard to get back into writing for Shadows Part 2. Though it’s already posted in full on Ao3, I plan to also mirror it here with a few edits. Other projects: Distorted Reality comic—I take various scenes from Baithin/Ogro’s Avatar fanfiction Distorted Reality, and adapt them into comic form. (You can probably find it by searching ‘Avatar Distorted Reality’ on deviantArt, Tapas, ComicFury, or Tumblr. This project is ongoing.) FAN ART!! Below are some links to fanart related to the fanfictions I've written. While linking to outside sites no longer works here (the only way to view the images is to copy and paste the url, then delete the spaces between the periods), I have many fond memories of looking through the art other writers linked through their bios, whether it be their own or of others. It's so exciting to be able to do the same here. Thank you so much!! Emissary of Darkness: Jastoz: The Other Paradox: For an assortment of some my art related to the various fandoms I've written in, see these links: Yugioh: www . deviantart . com/axxonu/gallery/30401223/yugi-oh Artemis Fowl: www . deviantart . com/axxonu/gallery/28912232/artemis-fowl Avatar: [Related to Shadows, there's an illustration for every chapter] avatar . /wiki/Fanon:Shadows_Part_1_The_Fear The comic based on the Avatar fanfiction Distorted Reality by Ogro: www . deviantart . com/axxonu/art/0-0-Distorted-Reality-Book-1-Fire-656625847 |
Aikenka (0) | Jastoz (1) | RoxxyGirl23 (1) |