Author has written 25 stories for X-Men. I know people are interested in several of the stories I had partially done. Right now, I am concentrating on "Farewell Sunshine". This is mostly because I'm not getting stuck or hitting walls on it. Pretty much, the story just flows! Most of the time. I have not forgotten these other stories but they are on the backburner, waiting patiently. They seem to feel no need to immediately go further so I'm sticking with the one that does. Probably the one I'll be working on next is either "What Might Have Been" or "The Three". Maybe both, you never know. NOW: NEXT: Progress: Pictures Now you can see my characters! Through the Sims 2 game, I have brought my characters to "life". At deviant art I have pics of most of them, some haven't been loaded yet. But Maggie, Josh, and the entire Gaines Family is there, along with many X-Men and other Marvel characters. Just click on 'scraps' to get to them all because I'm not fighting with DeviantArt anymore.. Check it out and if there's someone you're looking for that you don't see, let me know because they probably just haven't been loaded yet. What can I say? I take lots of pictures. Due to the loss of my sims, I am having to re-make all my characters. As they are remade and entered into the game, I will slowly replace the original's picture with the new version. FOR THE FUTURE: (updated January 31, 2007)What Was Will Be- sequel to "Lost Then Found" focussing on Morgan. I really liked this character and have developed a whole background for her. This story will really bring several pieces of her togther, literally. Untitled- Idea for a sequel for 'Human and the Demon' but it won't actually be about Jenny. It's about Hank! (Jenny will of course make an appearance.) Think he'll meet a little girl who has been abused and reminds him of Jenny, so she will immediately grab his heart. Not sure yet if she will be human or mutant, but it won't be important to either of them so could go either way. Preparation- This a story I started a while ago and got stuck on. Thanks to Elizabeth Robbins (thanks buddy!) I figured out a way to maybe get it done so its back on the 'to do' list. It deals with an alien race trying to prepare for a possible future take over by the Shi'ar. It's centered on Jubilee and Sabretooth, of all people, and will definitely have Wolverine and the rest of the X-Men, probably the Imperial Guard too. Little complicated so taking me a while but I like the idea and it WILL get done. Eventually. Found!! On the adult story front, I have a few paragraphs of "A Friend in Need" chapter 5, which might end up being a whole other story starting from chapter 4, not sure yet. "The Gift" is up to chapter 5, and I'm rewriting the first two chapters of "No Place Like Home" to be more sexual and calling it "The Beginning", I'm on the second chapter. (If you are under 18, please ignore all references to adult stories. That's why they're called 'adult'. Thank you!) Maybe LOST, haven't checked with Sara yet Posted - If you care about order then here you go. If not then ignore. Jenny is really a secondary character who made the big-time by getting her own story. I decided not to point out each little mention of her anymore because she'll probably be mentioned in just about all of them. Especially if someone talks about going to Harry's. So from now on you'll just have to watch for it. Most stories are really able to stand alone but usually read better if you go in the order they're connected. Jubes, Wolvie, and Storm centric Wolvie & Jubes Sabretooth Jenny (in order from the beginning) Romy X-Men in general one-shots and completely stand-alones (so far) BTW: 'The Decison' and 'Waiting' are FINISHED! but there could be a sequel (I really like sequels). There are further references to 'The Decision' in 'Human in a Mutant World'. It wasn't meant to be more than it is. Jubes did go to the school, she did feel abandoned, and it took time for her to get over it. But as you can see in both 'Waiting' and 'Human in a Mutant World' she learned to deal with it. 'The Decision' was not about her getting over going but that she went and why. I also have a few fics on http:///authors.php?no=1296767779 ME - I'm still a major Wolvie and Jubes fan and feel there are not enough fics about them out there, so if anyone knows of any besides the Wolverine and Jubilee site I would really love to know. The only reason I started reading, and now writing, fan-fiction is because of these stories and would love to read more. All feedback and suggestions are more than welcome. Good and bad since if I'm doing it right I want to continue and if I'm doing wrong I want to fix it. Even if its an old story that's new to you, I still want to know what you think. I can be emailed at nedrane@ and please put 'fanfic' in the title so it doesn't get automatically put in the junk folder. (Sorry. You know who you are.) As always, thanks for reading, |