Author has written 10 stories for Naruto, Harry Potter, Kingdom Hearts, and Katekyo Hitman Reborn!.
I am about to ask you the most difficult question currently known to mankind.
Adult!Colonello or Adult!Reborn?
If like me, you struggled for an indiscriminate amount of time before your brain promptly imploded and you burst into a sobbing mess, I think we're going to be great friends.
If you want to know a bit more about me and my writing, you should go and take a look at my livejournal. I've also got a fic recommendation section for various fandoms (Naruto, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Harry Potter, Gintama, Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts) which I spent a few hours compiling, so go check it out and make me feel happy. :)
I'm aiming to become an english literature/creative writing student at some point in the very near future. I definitely want to publish a book someday. If you want to know a bit more about me, you can go to my livejournal provided in the link above. :)
Everything you need to know about my writing.
Works in Progress
ahoshi! (Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Colonello x Lambo x Reborn, other pairings)
Say (Naruto, sasusaku)
On hold
Are You Going To Put That Back? (Harry Potter, Sirius/OC, jameslily)
Completed Works
Defining Evil (Naruto, itasaku)
Defining Duty (Naruto, itasakudei, sequel to Defining Evil)
Is There a Ninja in Your Pants? (Naruto, narusaku)
So Stupid (Naruto, narusaku)
Fall (Naruto, completely random.)
Everything (Naruto, narusaku)
memories of somebody- (Kingdom Hearts, axelsora, akuroku)
Thank you everybody! You have made me one of the happiest people on earth everytime I get a review or fanart. I can't thank you enough. :)
Defining Evil
Kin-kin's fanart for Never Ending Rainfall
Defining Evil by XII-Itachi
Sakura mourning by Shel-chan (who rocks my socks)
Planned Sequel Itaweewee by Shel-chan
Never Ending Rainfall by natsumi33
Whisper by RoseMcGee
Don't Leave by XII-Itachi
And, as well as all this lovely fanart, the amazing, hard working, super cool Kumiho-Kitsune has been working hard to translate Everything into Italian! I'm so excited about this, please support her!
Everything (French Translation) by Kumiho-Kitsune
Things you probably don't need to know, but I'll tell you anyways.
Favourite animes
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Arakawa Under the Bridge
Favourite Manga
Doushitemou Furetekunai by Yoneda Kou
Mr & Mr Hitman, KHR doujin by Yoneda Kou
Crimson Spell by Yamane Ayano
Dengeki Daisy by Motomi Kyousuke
Haruyuki Bus by Maki Usami
Nana by Yazawa Ai
Favourite Asian Dramas
Nodame Cantabile (japanese)
It Started with a Kiss (taiwanese)
Hana Yori Dango 1 + 2 (japanese)
Hana Kimi (taiwanese and japanese)
Favourite Pairings (in order)
Katekyo Hitman Reborn (all TYL! pairings, because ten years makes all the difference.)
Reborn x Lambo
I-Pin x Kawahira
Izaya x Kida (honestly. think about the mind games.)
SESSKAG (because there is only one OTP.)
Death Note
L x Light (duh.)
Kingdom Hearts
Yuffie x Leon
Favourite Quotes:
selandora: i wrote a fanfiction about how his seal breaks
selandora: and then somehow his dad is like living inside of him because it was a side affect of the sealing jutsu
selandora: and then his dad and him try to find a way to fix it yeah
selandora: but then it doesnt work and his dads like, "NOOO YOU CANT KILL YOURSELF WE CAN FIND ANOTHER WAY."
JJ: dad 0_0
JJ: that's so gay.
selandora: and then narutos like, "Ok for you I won't." but then he goes and elopes with jiraiya far far away.
selandora: i quite like it actually, i'm proud of it.
JJ: i'm not reading it.
- me explaining Everything to my best friend over msn
selandora: I don't know what's sadder. The fact that I'm studying Naruto ninjutsu or that I considered studying for English Literature.
JJ: Let me ask Lil.
selandora: ...
JJ: She said the second one.
selandora: OH MY GOD. I'm so angry, the new Naruto chapter didn't come out and it didn't come out last week either!
JJ: You think that's bad?! I've been waiting for a fucking month for the new Claymore chapter to come out and the bastard of an author didn't post one last month either and the episodes come out once every three weeks! So shut up and stop complaining about Naruto!
Cheryl walks down the hallway and people begin clapping.
selandora: Why are they clapping?
JJ: She finished twenty eight episodes of Claymore in a week.
selandora: Holy shit, well done to her-"
Krustacean: You guys clap for sad things like that?!