Vanessa Aldaz Hi! I'm New here so I haven't wrote any stories yet, but don't worry I will soon! Favorite Show: The originals : The Munsters and Wonder Women Shows I Hate: The OC and One Tree Hill ( They aregay. Sorry, but they are!) Favorite Ships: Harry Potter Ships Lilly/James- as you could tell Ginny/Harry - Are so perfect together and you know it! Ron/Hermione-Totally ment to be! Lupin/Tonks-A strange match, but Lupin needs her so he could chill out, man! Charlie/OC- I really like Charlie and want to see him with some one good! Lucius/Narcissa- I have NO idea where I got this ship from but some of them are really sweet! Molly/Arthur- Again NO idea where I got this, but really like it! Harry Potter Ships I hate! (With a passion) Harry/Hermione-Just because there names start with the same letter does not mean it is going to happen! Harry/Anyone else besides Ginny- It is just wrong! Ron/Anyone else beside Hermione- It is just wrong! Any type of Slash!-Really Gross! Remus/anyone but Tonks- Just wrong! Snape/Anyone living- The poor other person! Artemis Fowl Ships Artemis/OC- I love Artemis and deserves some one cool! Butler/OC- There are no good ones so I shall write one...Later! Holly/Trouble- They are so cute together! Juliet/OC- She deserves someone who can handle her! Artemis Ships I hate! Artemis/Holly- Humans and Elves dont mix! Any Type of Slash!- They are so gross! My Friends: Hi Janine (Ronhermione13)-Cyndi-Alex-Sam-Amanda-Natalie-Eric-Ardria-Kyllie-Seth-Tyler-Taylor-Aswini-Kanksha .Whats Up Guys? Music: I love Green Day- The Killers- Franz Ferdinand - Weezer - Jimmy Eat World -The Strokes - No Doubt - Blink 182 So I hope you like the stories in my favorite section, and Cheak out Ronhermione13, Her and I will soon come out with our first song fic and story for me, Mr. Brightside. I am also going to try and write a Lily/James story on my own! Keep you posted! Have A good Day! |