Author has written 5 stories for Harry Potter, and Discworld. After 600 readers of Chapter 20, no one voted in the poll. Only one person voted via review. For all the lawyers out there, in case I should ever miss putting in the standard disclaimer, I am not JKR and make no claims upon her intellectual property. Anything in my writing recognizable from previously published sources is probably not mine. All the weird stuff that makes people think the author is probably a few cards short of a full deck; those are likely mine. I have read hundreds of HP fanfics. A quick look through my favorites and favorite authors will give you an idea of what I like. If you see something that seems to be taken from another story and you want it credited, let me know. I have read so much HP fanfic I no longer remember what ideas are mine and what I have read somewhere and forgotten. Under no circumstances do I intentionally plagiarize and am glad to give credit where it is due! There are ships I refuse to read or write. Draco/Hermione is one of the biggies. I just can't see that happening. Ever. I asked my readers to vote in a poll (now closed) on who they would like to see Harry paired with in AVDHP. I LOVE the Harry/Hermione ship, but it has been done so many times and WELL done at that, I do not see myself being able to present anything fresh. If I get an idea I think is unique, I may give it a try. "Prophecy Denied" is on hiatus until I finish AVDHP, so it may be a while. I know many authors have said it, but I will say it too. I will continue to write as long as people seem to enjoy it. If you have read this far, you probably enjoy my work at least a little. |